Des fonds contestés, qui prennent une petite participation dans une entreprise, puis font bruyamment entendre leur voix pour changer la stratégie ou le patron, afin de faire monter le cours de Bourse. Spain is not alone in having a paper of choice take political sides, and having an outsize influence in shaping the public’s thinking on issues that can sway elections.Fox News, owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch, is closely aligned with Donald Trump. Rappelons-le, le club sort tout juste d’un plan social (35 postes ont été supprimés). +^www./, "") node.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, node); You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. À plus long terme, remettre le club dans une situation d’équilibre peut permettre à Joseph Oughourlian d’attirer plus facilement de nouveaux investisseurs. Le financier Joseph Oughourlian, actionnaire majoritaire de la société luxembourgeoise Solferino, propriétaire du RC Lens, a accordé sa toute première interview ce jeudi au journal L'Equipe. try {stime=new Event("").timeStamp.toFixed(2);}catch(e){} Joseph Marie Oughourlian is an employee with Amber Capital Investment Management, a hedge fund company. + "?" In the U.K., Brexit was shaped by euroskeptic publications such as The Sun tabloid and the conservativeThe Telegraph.The same kind of ideological divisions are present in all the major publications in Germany, Italy and France. sc.type = "text/javascript"; Mais l’engagement de son actionnaire principal va ouvrir d’autres perspectives. Lagardere's lawyers Florian Bouaziz and Didier Malka brushed off accusations of a lack of independence of the board, saying that Vivendi had initially voted for the renewal of the current one … Joseph Oughourlian a notamment construit sa fortune en créant le fonds d’investissement Amber Capital, qu’il a fondé en 2005. sc.setAttribute("data-mrmnd-tag", "iam"); var sc = document.createElement("script"); With Gonzalez helping to shape the newspaper’s coverage from his position on Prisa’s editorial advisory board and open attacks on Sanchez, El Pais rallied internal opposition to the party leader from its opinion pages. sc.setAttribute("async", "async"); But he’s still not satisfied with the way the company is being run.On Monday he’ll have another chance to put that right. + "&r=" + Math.random(); var node = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; } if (!_MRMNT.req) { Oughourlian has already dealt with one of Sanchez’s enemies when he led a push to force out Monzon’s predecessor, Cebrian, in 2017. The investor has poured about 300 million euros ($336 million) into Prisa since 2015 and brushes aside reports that he is acting as a front man for Spanish investors who want to take control of the publisher.His fund pursues an activist strategy by engaging with executives and Oughourlian makes the case that El Pais should have a bigger profile throughout the Spanish-speaking world and textbook publisher Santillana, the company’s largest source of revenue, should deliver more money to investors.There are already signs that change is coming.Telefonica SA Chairman Jose Maria Alvarez-Pallete toyed with the idea of naming an ally of Sanchez and Oughourlian to the Prisa board, according to two people familiar with his thinking. + "?" On Monday he’ll have another chance to put that right. Deux tiers des clubs en France ont déjà eu recours aux emprunts garantis par le gouvernement pour combler leur manque de trésorerie depuis l’interruption de la saison. Entré à la Société générale en 1995, ce Français formé par Sciences-Po et HEC a commencé par placer les fonds de la banque, puis il a créé sa propre structure, Amber Capital. var sc = document.createElement("script"); sc.src = "" var sc = document.createElement("script"); if (document.head) { _MRMNT.req = true; Il l'a mal géré, soit. There are already signs that change is coming.Telefonica SA Chairman Jose Maria Alvarez-Pallete toyed with the idea of naming an ally of Sanchez and Oughourlian to the Prisa board, according to two people familiar with his thinking. sc.setAttribute("data-mrmnd-tag", "iam"); sc.type = "text/javascript"; _MRMNT.cmd = _MRMNT.cmd || []; Le Racing avait d’ailleurs déjà dû faire face aux conséquences du confinement en mobilisant les créances de transferts liées à ses ventes de l’été dernier (Chouiar, Gomis et Duverne). } Source: Read Full ArticlePost navigation« Hotel customers will be able to use their smartphones as door keysIs plaster the new toilet roll? That would have been a major reversal for the company’s second-biggest shareholder. Oughourlian has met with Sanchez since the prime minister took office — both are 48, born the same month — and he’s developed a close relationship with at least two people in the premier’s inner circle, according to a person who knows them both. Par Sébastien Noé We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Depuis un peu moins de cinq ans, l’homme d’affaires a donc aussi enfilé la casquette d’investisseur dans le sport, et même celle de président de club. var node = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; The results will be announced around lunchtime. Dans un premier temps, Lens, qui ne compte pas faire de folies et retomber dans ses travers passés, va surtout pouvoir accéder plus facilement aux aides de l’État promises pendant la crise du coronavirus. A spokesman for Telefonica declined to comment.Oughourlian has already dealt with one of Sanchez’s enemies when he led a push to force out Monzon’s predecessor, Cebrian, in 2017. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. document.head.appendChild(sc); Cette somme permettra au club de combler ses dettes actuelles et passées et de repartir, pour la prochaine saison, avec une situation financière saine et à l’équilibre. sc.src = "" } A more sympathetic stance from the paper of national record could help a premier wrestling with the country’s worst recession in at least 70 years as he tries to maintain his balance atop a shaky coalition.Read more…The Rage Against Pedro Sanchez Is Tearing Spain ApartDoctors in Madrid Are Forced to Choose Who to Let Die From VirusSpain’s Long-Dead Dictator Lives Again in an Impossible ElectionSpain is not alone in having a paper of choice take political sides, and having an outsize influence in shaping the public’s thinking on issues that can sway elections.Fox News, owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch, is closely aligned with Donald Trump. } Oughourlian, who controls 29.8% of Prisa, has come to consider that Monzon is too close toBanco Santander SA and that he usesEl Pais to pursue the bank’s political interests, the people said. The results will be announced around lunchtime. Oughourlian and Sanchez’s director of communication Miguel Angel Oliver declined to comment when contacted by Bloomberg, as did spokespeople for Prisa, Santander and Monzon. Ce n est pas grave, c est une autre entreprise française qui va disparaitre. The latest round was in Jan 2009. Founded at the birth of Spanish democracy in the 1970s, El Pais has traditionally supported Sanchez’s Socialists but has had a tense relationship with the new brand of left-wing politics pursued by the current premier. try {stime=new Event("").timeStamp.toFixed(2);}catch(e){} Finance. He said, “I listen to all the former prime ministers with full attention, but the social and political conditions in our country today are very different from what they were 40 years ago.”Shake UpThen along comes Paris-born Oughourlian, who like the embattled prime minister is also an outsider to the Madrid elite and has argued that Prisa has been mismanaged for years. "It's a company that's managed only in the interest of one person and those close to him," Amber's managing partner Joseph Oughourlian said on the sidelines of a court hearing on the case on Thursday. Sanchez has said publicly that the paper’s publisher,Prisa, wasinvolved in the maneuvers that saw him ousted as party leader in 2016. +^www./, "") Blue Sky Digital Outdoor Advertising Fund – Fund Data, Sarasin Ie Global Equity Opportunities (Usd) – Fund Data, Themelios Ventures Ii-A, L.P. – Fund Data. ». _MRMNT.req = true; try {stime=new Event("").timeStamp.toFixed(2);}catch(e){} node.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, node); Un an après le rachat du RC Lens, la composition du conseil d'administration est enfin dévoilée,, Cyclo-cross : les Championnats du monde 2025 à Liévin, Covid-19 : fermeture des restaurants à 00h30 et interdiction de la vente d’alcool à 20 heures dans la métropole lilloise, Tirage au sort de Roland-Garros : Mladenovic, Parmentier et Dodin dans le même quart du tableau, Affaire Kulik : Willy Bardon remis en liberté, "Nous allons l'acquitter en appel," promettent ses avocats, Boxe : Abbeville tremble pour Johann Duhaupas, l'enfant du pays qui affronte Tony Yoka, Juliette Greco, "discrète" habitante de Verderonne dans l'Oise, Procès Bardon - Jour 7 : des paroles choquantes de l'accusé révélées par une écoute téléphonique, une famille de béthune dans la grande guerre 14-18, pourtant actionnaire à 89,1% de Solferino. var stime = 0; A spokesman for Telefonica declined to comment. } else { When Sanchez forged a second-term coalition with Podemos in January and promised to bring back protection for workers, many in the establishment feared their business interests were under threat. PHOTO LUDOVIC MAILLARD - VDNPQR, RC Lens : Joseph Oughourlian, le feu intérieur, RC Lens : « L’incertitude est pesante pour les joueurs », confie Franck Haise, racheté les parts de l’Atlético de Madrid, Paris: quatre heures de parking lui coûtent 170392euros, il refuse de payer, Attaque au hachoir à Paris: Youssef a coursé le suspect, il a fini derrière les barreaux, Dunkerque: la digue ensablée par la tempête, méconnaissable au petit matin, «Arrête-toi papa!» criaient les enfants, un père condamné, Coronavirus : 11 123 cas nouveaux cas en 24 heures en France, le taux de positivité continue de monter. document.head.appendChild(sc); _MRMNT.req = true; His fund pursues an activist strategy by engaging with executives and Oughourlian makes the case that El Pais should have a bigger profile throughout the Spanish-speaking world and textbook publisher Santillana, the company’s largest source of revenue, should deliver more money to investors. if (document.head) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, node); Avec Amber Capital, le Franco-Libanais a connu un début d’année chargé. Les bonnes nouvelles sont assez rares en ce moment pour les fans de foot. + "sid=" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1e3) + "_" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1e6) + "_" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1e9) } else { Then along comes Paris-born Oughourlian, who like the embattled prime minister is also an outsider to the Madrid elite and has argued that Prisa has been mismanaged for years.