Definition of Creme de la Creme in the dictionary. Locution nominale [modifier le wikicode] crème de la crème \kʁɛm də la kʁɛm\ féminin singulier. Synonym of Creme de la creme: English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia Crème de la crème Crème de la crème (French, lit. JANUARY, 1844. creme de la creme betydning. CCCXXXIX. Skriv inn så mange synonymer du klarer til, © 2021 - All rights reserved. Crème De La Crème synonyms - 228 Words and Phrases for Crème De La Crème. LV. 372, OCTOBER 1846. elite. pick of the litter. Synonyms for crème de la crème include elite, best, choice, cream, pick, pride, prime, elect, royalty and aristocracy. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? Målet med dette oppslagsverket er å lage den beste og mest komplette synonymordboka på nett. Define creme de la creme. hvordan staves creme de la creme. synonymer for creme de la creme dansk. Find 12 ways to say CRÈME DE LA CRÈME, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Lik det! Det motsatte av et synonym er et antonym (ord med motsatt betydning). Synonyms for crème de la crème in Free Thesaurus. Hvis du vil legge til flere synonymer kan du gjøre det ved å separere dem med komma. From Old French cresme, from Late Latin crama, Transalpine Gaulish word influenced by Latin chrisma (modern French chrême), from Ancient Greek χρῖσμα (khrîsma). American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. synonym creme de la creme. 'cream of the cream') is an idiom documented . De crème qui, étant la partie la plus riche en graisse qui surnage dans le lait, et étant donné la valorisation de ce qui est en haut, cette expression désigne l’« élite ». creme de la creme ddo. Information and translations of Creme de la Creme in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. For å forhindre useriøse bidrag krever dette registrering eller identifisering med Google, Facebook eller Twitter. The best person or thing of a particular kind. cream. forklaring creme de la creme. n. # elite , thing. cream of the crop. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. crescendo croone crooner cruise cruiseskip ‘the crème de la crème of the dancers have left the country’. Here you use the synonyms for crème de la crème. creme de la creme krydsord. Legge til synonym for "creme de la creme" Slette synonym fra "creme de la creme" Fjerne oppslagsordet "creme de la creme" Cherchez crème de la crème et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes français de Reverso. Se nedenfor hva crème de la crème betyr og hvordan det brukes på norsk. THE EVERY DAY BOOK OF HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY, BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, VOLUME 60, NO. n. n. # elite , thing. Bruk av synonymer er med på å berike teksten og øker tekstens kvalitet. creme de la creme synonyms, creme de la creme pronunciation, creme de la creme translation, English dictionary definition of creme de la creme. 9 Types Of Poems To Spark Your Creativity. Synonyms for 'the crème de la crème': ideal, perfection, optimum, star, the epitome of, paragon, king, flagship, pièce de résistance Antonyms for crème de la crème include the working class, the commoners, the lower classes, the ordinary people, the peasantry, the plebians, the plebs, the rank and file, the riffraff and the common herd. How to use crème de la crème in a sentence. Creme de la creme synonyms, Synonyms for creme de la creme at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Vi fant 7 synonymer for crème de la crème. 18 synonyms of creme de la creme from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 10 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Words related to crème de la crème aristocracy , beautiful people , blue blood , elite , four hundred , gentility , gentry , haut monde , high society , jet set , nobility , upper class Example sentences from the Web for crème de la crème 2. Creme de la creme; Dagcreme; Fugtighedscreme; Håndcreme; Iscreme; Konditorcreme; Natcreme; Nougatcreme; Pudsecreme; Råcreme; Rensecreme; Rynkecreme; Skocreme; Smørcreme; Solcreme; Urtecreme; Vaniljecreme Fant du synonymet du lette etter? Meaning of Creme de la Creme. San Antonio de Bexar lies in a fertile and well-irrigated valley, stretching westward from the river Salado. ‘The crème de la crème of Irish bachelors taking part in the competition also includes an internal auditor, a personal trainer, an IT expert and a number of sales executives.’. THIS is the actual phrase defined by: top of the line, best of the best, above all; highest quality The five hundred men whom we had left in San Antonio de Bexar, fared no better. Et synonym er et ord som har samme eller liknende betydning som et annet ord. Og tjenesten er selvfølgelig gratis. Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, on account of his near relationship to the house of York, beheaded. De secretis operibus artis et naturae, et de nullitate magiae, p. 533 (Brewer). Å gjenta et bestemt ord mange ganger gjør teksten kjedelig. Without any known cause of offence, a tacit acknowledgement of mutual dislike was shewn by Louis and de Patinos. Something superlative. More example sentences. Find more similar words at! Synonymer gjør teksten mer variert samtidig som den blir lettere å lese. Definition and synonyms of the crème de la crème from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Something superlative. E-boutique for haute parfumerie, decorative cosmetics, face and body care products. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. n. 1. 21 synonyms for creme de la creme: best, choice, cream, elite, flower, pick, prize, top, aristocracy, blue blood, elite, flower, gentility, gentry, nobility.... What are synonyms for creme de la creme? Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CREME DE LA CREME [elite] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word elite will help you to finish your crossword today. best. What does creme-de-la-creme mean? Then the door opened, the portiere was swept aside, and Anselme announced "Monsieur de Garnache.". dansk ordbog creme de la creme. crème de la crème (uncountable) ( idiomatic , singular only ) Best of the best; something superlative ; the very best . Synonyms: A-list, aristocracy, best… Find the right word. People of the highest social level. Se alle synonymer nedenfor. Madame de Condillac stood watching him, her face composed, her glance cold. noun. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Definition of creme-de-la-creme noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. VOL. To be an astronaut you must be the crème de la crème . n. # society , elite. These synonyms for the word crème de la crème are provided for your information only. Video shows what crème de la crème means. Crème De La Crème betyr omtrent det samme som Adel. ‘The crème de la crème of Irish bachelors taking part in the competition also includes an internal auditor, a personal trainer, an IT expert and a number of sales executives.’ ‘The awards recognise the crème de la crème across the country while the book serves as an indispensable companion for … What does Creme de la Creme mean? One evening, while he was thus engaged, he observed de Patinos and Duke Wharton enter together. Best of the best; something superlative. Find 12 ways to say CREME DE LA CREME, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. n. Crème de la crème definition is - the very best. Crème de la crème: individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class. Find descriptive alternatives for creme de la creme. Vi har også gjort det enkelt for deg å legge til et synonym dersom det mangler. Gefundene Synonyme: Auswahl der Besten, (die) besten Kreise, die Besten der Besten, Elite, Führungsschicht, (die) oberen Zehntausend, Spitze(n) der Gesellschaft, Crème de la Crème, bessere Gesellschaft, bessere Kreise, die oberen Zehntausend, Elite, … andet ord for creme de la creme. Find more opposite words at! elite. when referring to people, this phrase points to really rich or influential people who are far away from commoners Synonyme für "Creme-de-la-Creme" 4 gefundene Synonyme 1 verschiedene Bedeutungen für Creme-de-la-Creme Ähnliches & anderes Wort für Creme-de-la-Creme Antonyms for creme de la creme. Antonyms for crème de la crème. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. cracker crash crazy crème de la crème credo. hjelper deg å finne norske synonymer og synonymer på andre språk. 3 letter words FAT - GEM - MOB - SET - TOP - VIP 4 letter words Le meilleur de quelque chose. Do you know, Monsieur, that just as we were coming into Moulins, we remarked your odd-looking cabriolet de poste. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. (noun) Creme De La Creme synonyms - 166 Words and Phrases for Creme De La Creme. See more at Deutschsprachige Wikipedia - Die freie Enzyklopädie Crème de la Crème Der Ausdruck Crème de la Crème (frz., wörtlich übersetzt „Sahne der Sahne“) bezeichnet:eine elitäre Gr crème de la crème (n.) cream, cream cheese, cream of the crop, high society, pick, the pick of the bunch, world, in-crowd (colloquial) crème de la crème. Bruk feltet under til å legge til et nytt synonym til crème de la crème. n. # choice , cream. Find another word for creme de la. Vain also was the valour and ability he showed in the campaign against the Royalists in La Vende. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, NO. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. This is the British English definition of the crème de la crème.View American English definition of the crème de la crème.. Change your default dictionary to American English.