[4] They have a crest of long spines which extends down the center of the back. 2008, Avery ML; Tillman EA; Spurfeld C; Engeman RM; Maciejewski KP; Brown JD; Fetzer EA, 2014. Hybridization between C. similis and C. bakeri has been documented on Utila Island in Honduras (Gutsche and Köhler, 2008; Pasachnik et al., 2009). Caldasia, 3(14):363-365. Ctenosaura similis on Keewaydin Island also appears to have originated from a single introduction. Barra Honda national park, Costa Rica. bers, of which over 150 live outside The Netherlands. In particular, mean minimum monthly temperatures in Managua, Nicaragua during winter (December to February) range from 19.7-21.2 °C, whereas on Gasparilla Island during the same months mean monthly temperatures range from 10.9-12.8 °C. [4] The eggs hatch in 90 days with the hatchlings digging their way out of the sand. It generally is found in seasonally dry, lowland habitats but can occur in sites up to 900 m elevation. Rueda-Almonacid JV, 1999. Barra Honda national park, Costa Rica. Fitch HS; Henderson RW, 1978. Ctenosaura similis (black spiny-tailed iguana); female. Butterfield BP; Meshaka Jr WE; Guyer C, 1997. In Florida, USA, the amount of abdominal fat in female ctenosaurs ranged from 0.5-114.5 g, or 0.3-13.4% of body mass (Avery et al., 2014). Fitch and Henderson (1978) report that in Nicaragua hatchlings grew to >140 mm SVL and >80 g body mass within 6 months. The shift to plant-dominated diet is accompanied by changes in dentition (Montanucci, 1968). The non-marine herpetofauna of Key Biscayne, Florida. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, 8:197-198. In Colombia, first museum collections occurred in before 1933 (Barbour and Shreve, 1934); but introductions by humans to these islands likely occurred many years prior (Dunn, 1945; Rueda-Almonacid, 1999; Forero-Medina et al., 2006). There is no evidence of multiple clutches per year. Integrative Zoology, 9(5):590-597. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1749-4877. Krysko KL; Burgess JP; Rochford MR; Gillette CR; Cueva D; Enge KM; Somma LA; Stabile JL; Smith DC; Wasilewski JA; Kieckhefer IIIGN; Granatosky MC; Nielsen SV, 2011. by Janzen DH]. Ctenosaura similis (Gray's spiny-tailed iguana) non-native diet. During April to June, 81% (199 of 245) of females of reproductive size (>185 mm snout-vent length, SVL), possessed either oviducal eggs, vitellogenic follicles, or a convoluted oviduct indicating previous laying. Pasachnik SA; Fitzpatrick BM; Near TJ; Echternacht AC, 2009. Also known as Black Spiny-tailed Lizard or Black Iguana, the Black Ctenosaur (pronounced “tina-sore”) is a large diurnal lizard of Central America. Cette espèce à été introduite en Floride et au Venezuela. The Animal Ageing and Longevity Database, 2016, Barrio-Amorós and Rivas-Fuenmayor,
Engeman RM; Kennedy M; Constantin BU; Christie ML; Hall PT, 2009. Utah, USA: Eagle Mountain Publishing, 716-734. 367-393. Vous avez besoin d’un résumé des informations du site ? This scheme was subsequently considered untenable, and 18 species of Ctenosaura are now recognized (Iguana Taxonomy Working Group, 2011). Survey of status, trade, and exploitation of Central American iguanas. Other burrow- or ground-nesting species of concern, such as the Florida burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia floridana), a species of Special State Concern in Florida, and the federally threatened least tern (Sterna antillarum), are potentially vulnerable to predation, although direct impacts to these species remain to be documented (Krysko et al., 2003). Tamsitt JR; Valdivieso D, 1963. Wallingford, UK: CABI. Island Press. Confidence rating. [4][7], They are primarily herbivorous, eating flowers, leaves, stems, and fruit, but they will opportunistically eat smaller animals, eggs and arthropods. Indice de garde selon Reptiles en captivité Voir la définition; Légende des couleurs Extrême Élevé Modéré Bas N/D Ontogenetic plasticity of food habits in the Mexican spiny-tailed iguana, Ctenosaura pectinata. Males show dominance and interest by head bobbing; eventually the male will chase the female until he can catch her and subdue her. Ctenosaura similis (black spinytail iguana), Gopherus polyphemus (gopher tortoise) concurrent burrow use. Ctenosaura similis : 100 cm, les juvéniles ressemblent à s’y méprendre à C. quinquecarinata, mais ils sont verts, le brun n’apparaît que plus tard (et là on peut les confondre) puis leur physionomie se modifie : une crête apparaît et le museau s’allonge. Results of the genetic analysis by Nuñez (2016) are consistent with multiple introductions within Florida, USA. Ctenosaura similis (Gray, 1831) Vernacular names Internationalization English: Black Iguana Español: Garrobo 日本語: ツナギトゲオイグアナ. However, the presence of thousands of free-living ctenosaurs in Florida means that they can be trapped and moved to new locations. Herpetological Review, 40(4):435. Washington D.C., USA 123-137. The recent appearance of ctenosaurs in Venezuela (Barrio-Amorós and Rivas-Fuenmayor, 2008; Flores and Esqueda, 2008), presumably through hitchhiking on ships, demonstrates the on-going potential for the species to spread to new areas. The Florida population is subjected to a very different temperature regime than native C. similis. Natural history of the black spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura similis) at Parque Nacional Palo Verde, Costa Rica, with comments on the conservation of the genus Ctenosaura. 21, n o 4, p. 364-383 (texte intégral). González-García A; Belliure J; Gómez-Sal A; Dávila P, 2009. Contributions to West Indian herpetology: a tribute to Albert Schwartz, 12 [ed. Clutch size, as determined by the number of oviducal eggs, averaged 31.6 (SE = 1.7). Increased biosecurity measures to detect and remove ctenosaurs potentially hitch-hiking on cargo ships would help prevent accidental introductions such as recently occurred in Venezuela (Barrio-Amorós and Rivas-Fuenmayor, 2008). [6] They, along with C. pectinata, are the largest members of the genus Ctenosaura. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271443622_Survey_of_Status_Trade_and_Exploitation_of_Central_American_Iguanas. Nonindigenous amphibians and reptiles, strangers in paradise: impact and management of non-indigenous species in Florida., Washington D.C, USA: Island Press. www.reptile-database.org. Estimated maximum observed age of 9 years among free-ranging females (Fitch and Henderson, 1978). Avery ML; Tillman EA; Krysko KL, 2009. Crapaud commun. Animaux. Iguana similis Ctenosaura completa Sa queue est une arme défensive puissante. Caye Caulker, Belize. This lizard is distinguished from Green Iguanas by its gray or tan color with 4-12 dark dorsal bands. In: Costa Rican Natural History [ed. [4] Its specific name is the Latin word similis meaning "similar to", a common description found in Linnean taxonomy when referring to a new taxon. The native range of C. similis extends on the Atlantic versant from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec southward to northeastern Nicaragua, and on the Pacific versant from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec southward to Panama (Ko¨hler, 2003). Barbour T; Shreve B, 1934. Pages 162-182 in G. M. Burghardt and A. S. Rand, eds. This seems particularly true in Florida, USA, and Venezuela where populations are still manageable and eradication/extirpation is possible with dedicated, persistent management efforts. Fitch HS; Hackforth-Jones J, 1983. In: Iguana, 15 (3) 161. Florida Scientist, 66(2):74-79. Accueil. Egg-laying takes place in the dry season, and hatching occurs just before the onset of the wet season. Illegal international trade involving this and other species of Ctenosaura on the internet is common (Stephen et al., 2011). Krysko KL; Enge KM; Donlan EM; Golden EA; Burgess JP; Larson KW, 2010. See more ideas about iguana, reptiles, lizard. The origin of West lndian amphibians and reptiles. The males are capable of growing up to 1.3 meters (4 ft 3 in) in length and the females are slightly shorter, at 0.8–1 meter (2 ft 7 in–3 ft 3 in). Short- and long-distance dispersal of C. similis has been facilitated, and probably continues to be, by hitchhiking on vehicles and ships (Krysko et al., 2003; Barrio-Amorós and Rivas-Fuenmayo, 2008). Although it is heavily hunted it does not appear to be endangered in any of its native territory. C. Ctenosaura similis; Media in category "Ctenosaura similis" The following 67 files are in this category, out of 67 total. Journal of Herpetology, 7(1):27-33. When several references are cited, they may give conflicting information on the status. Ctenosaura similis (GRAY, 1831). http://genomics.senescence.info/species/entry.php?species=Ctenosaura_similis, The Reptile Database, 2016. Nom scientifique : Ctenosaura similis Nom commun : Iguane noir Origine : Du Mexique au Panama biotope : Zones désertiques et sèches, vit dans les biotopes rocheux ou les ruines, certains individus préfèrent vivrent au sol, d'autres passerons la majeure partie de le temps en hauteur. http://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Ctenosaura&species=similis&search_param=%28%28search%3D%27Ctenosaura+similis%27%29%29. CABI is a registered EU trademark. These lizards are great diggers and baskers. Zinc phosphide was the most efficacious material tested, but application of a field baiting strategy employing toxic bait is dependent on development of target-specific delivery methods which are currently not available (Avery et al., 2011). The herpetofauna of the Caribbean islands San Andre and Providencia. Isis von Oken, vol. Current Zoology, 57(5):625-629. http://www.actazool.org/temp/%7BC5079E5F-5A41-4DE2-9B8E-5BE87E0C44BA%7D.pdf. (Situacion actual y problematica generada por la introduccion de "rana toro" a Colombia.) Ctenosaura similis (Gray, 1831) Publication originale. The Animal Ageing and Longevity Database, 2016. Hatchlings are 43-60 mm SVL (Fitch and Henderson, 1978; Avery et al., 2014). Clutch size increases steadily with age and size; a maximum clutch of 88 eggs has been reported (Fitch and Henderson, 1978). Subgenus Enyaliosaurus Gray, 1845 status nov. - C. alfredschmidti, C. clarki, C. defensor, C. flavidorsalis and C. quinquecarinata. Invasive black spiny-tailed iguanas (Ctenosaura similis) on Gasparilla Island, Florida, USA. Nom scientifique : Ctenosaura similis Nom commun : Iguane noir Origine : Du Mexique au Panama biotope : Zones désertiques et sèches, vit dans les biotopes rocheux ou les ruines, certains individus préfèrent vivrent au sol, d'autres passerons la majeure partie de le temps en hauteur. In: Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 5 (1) 132-142. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Hatchlings exhibited a growth rate of approximately 6.8 mm/month. In Florida, 57% of 1321 animals necropsied were female (Avery et al., 2014). It is the largest species in the genus Ctenosaura and has been recorded as the fastest-running species of lizard. Both the society and the journal are non-profit making. [11], Mating generally occurs in the spring. The rate or frequency of such events is unknown, but even a single introduction event can potentially produce serious long-term consequences. Gopherus polyphemus (gopher tortoise), Ctenosaura similis (Gray's spiny-tailed iguana) predation. Michael Avery, USDA/Wildlife Services, USA. The capacity of C. similis to co-exist in altered environments coupled with its high fecundity has contributed to its successful establishment and spread in Florida, USA, where it consumes valuable horticultural plants, invades dwellings, and threatens imperilled native species through predation and usurpation of burrows. Synonymes Iguana similis Gray, 1831 Ctenosaura completa Bocourt, 1874 Statut de conservation UICN LC: Préoccupation mineure Ctenosaura similis , cténosaure noir ou iguane à queue épineuse noire est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Iguanidae . Articles techniques Législation Fiches techniques Vidéos Inscription newsletter. Van Devender, R. W. 1982. The role of urban greenspaces in fauna conservation: the case of the iguana Ctenosaura similis in the 'patios' of León city, Nicaragua. Ctenosaura similis (garrobo, iguana negra, ctenosaur). Photo by Jenn Sinasac. C. similis eggs are elongated and soft-shelled, measuring about 27 x 18 mm. In their native range, marked individuals grew at rates of 1.8-3.4 mm per week (SVL), and first-year males and females averaged 188 mm and 177 mm SVL, respectively (Fitch and Henderson, 1978). In Collier County a private landowner released between 5-30 lizards on his property on the southern end of the Keewaydin Island in 1995 (Krysko et al., 2003). Iguana, 10(4):111-118. Ctenosaura similis, commonly known as black spiny-tailed iguana, is the largest and most widely distributed ctenosaur. Based on morphological and genetic characteristics, Köhler et al. Farallo VR; Sasa M; Wasko DK; Forstner MRJ, 2010. Compendium record. Iguana Taxonomy Working Group, 2011. In Florida, USA, clutch size averaged 32 (n = 56), with a range of 6-62 (Avery et al., 2014). At the same time it was introduced on Key Biscayne in Miami (Butterfield et al., 1997; Krysko et al., 2009). Also, sightings of ctenosaurs along causeways connecting Gasparilla Island to mainland Florida, USA, lend credence to the idea that the species is capable of dispersing unaided from the island. Ctenosaura similis. Its native range stretches from southern Mexico to Panama where is exploited for food and traditional medicine. The population, which comprises a single haplotype, now extends from Sarasota south to Naples 180 km along Florida’s southwest coast. PARIS. C. similis now occurs on Keeywadin Island, Little Marco Island, Cayo Costa, and probably other islands as a result of purposeful transport and releases by residents (Krysko et al., 2003). In: Iguana, 10 (4) 111-118. by Wilson LD, Townsend JH, Johnson J]. [4][6], Black spiny-tailed iguanas are excellent climbers, and prefer a rocky habitat with plenty of crevices to hide in, rocks to bask on, and nearby trees to climb. The herpetofauna of the Caribbean islands San Andre and Providencia. France. Ctenosaura similis was probably transported purposely to Cayo Costa, which is accessible only by boat. First record of the spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura similis (Gray, 1831) (Squamata: Iguanidae) in Venezuela. CABI, Undated. Scientific Name: Ctenosaura similis Type: Iguana Diet: Omnivore Average Life Span: 15 to 25 years Size: 3 to 4 feet in length IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern Current Population Trend: Stable. Kohler G; Schroth W; Streit B, 2000. Most females reach sexual maturity in their second year at about 200 mm SVL. It is often found in close proximity to human activity. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 11(2):131-139. Fin mars je reçois un Ctenosaura Similis femelle aussi je commence la fabrication d'un terrarium adapté. Also spread in Florida via vehicles, Intentionally transported and released in new places in Florida, Florida resident brought 3 ctenosaurs back from Mexico as pets, but then released them on Gasparilla, Presumably transported to Venezuela in cargo ships, VU (IUCN red list: Vulnerable); USA ESA listing as threatened species; USA ESA candidate species, Competition - monopolizing resources; Predation, Highly adaptable to different environments, Capable of securing and ingesting a wide range of food, Benefits from human association (i.e. Generate a print friendly version containing only the sections you need. No estimate of direct economic loss is available. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: a herpetofauna between two continents, between two seas. Oecologia, 124(2):185-195. Flores D; Esqueda LF, 2008. Gene flow between an endangered endemic iguana, and its wide spread relative, on the island of Utila, Honduras: when is hybridization a threat? [4] They are diurnal and fast moving, employing their speed to escape predators but will lash with their tails and bite if cornered. 54 rue Jenner . More information about modern web browsers can be found at http://browsehappy.com/. Ctenosaura similis), few are familiar with the many related species. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 5(1):132-142. University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 51(15):483-500. Barrio-Amorós CL, Rivas-Fuenmayor G, 2008. Original citation: The Reptile Database (2016), San Andres and Providencia Islands, approximately 110 miles from mainland Central America; First reported: before 1933, Inhabiting gardens, parking lots and parks, Introduced to the islands of San Andres and Providencia, probably as a food source. Ctenosaura similis - Iguane noir Ctenosaura similis - Iguane noir. Another ctenosaur (207530278).jpg 1,200 × 800; 435 KB. Removal strategies included placing baited live traps in shaded areas frequented by ctenosaurs, deploying unbaited live traps in the mouths of gopher tortoise burrows where ctenosaurs had entered, and placing unbaited live traps along the base of walls or other barriers where ctenosaurs travelled. Flores D, Esqueda LF, 2008. Townsend JH; Krysko KL; Enge KM, 2003. Dec 30, 2011 - Explore Jason Lundquist's board "Ctenosaura similis Iguanas" on Pinterest. it is a human commensal), Highly likely to be transported internationally accidentally, Meat/fat/offal/blood/bone (whole, cut, fresh, frozen, canned, cured, processed or smoked). A phylogeographic study of C. similis throughout its native range is in progress (AS Pasachnik et al., Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, California, USA, unpublished data). Distribution of the introduced black spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura similis) on the southwestern coast of Florida. I thank Chris Weland and Nataly Ivanova ... 3-1 Map of native range of Ctenosaura similis.....38 3-2 Map of the state of … Barrio-Amorós CL; Rivas-Fuenmayor G, 2008. Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide. Human Ageing Genomic Resources. Herpetotropicos, 4(1):41. Devender RW van, 1982. The Key Biscayne population in Miami-Dade County originated from animals escaped or released from the Crandon Park Zoo when it closed in 1979 (Townsend et al., 2003b; Krysko et al., 2010). Origin of population is not definitive, Presumed arrived with cargo from Central America. Trappers dispatched captured lizards with a pistol loaded with birdshot or .22 caliber bullets. The black spiny-tailed iguana is native to Central America, and has the widest range of all Ctenosaura species from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to northeastern Nicaragua and western Panama on the respective Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Krysko, K. L. & King, F. W. & Enge, K. M. & Reppas, A. T. (2003):Sarasota county, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-1.RLTS.T174480A73611567.en, "Physiological correlates of locomotory performance in a lizard: an allometric approach", https://www.eddmaps.org/distribution/viewmap.cfm?sub=18182, https://www.scgov.net/Home/ShowDocument?id=34391, "Father Sanchez's Web Site of West Indian Natural History Diapsids I: Introduction; Lizards", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ctenosaura_similis&oldid=1011283868, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 March 2021, at 01:28. [3] The generic name, Ctenosaura, is derived from two Greek words: ctenos (Κτενός), meaning "comb" (referring to the comblike spines on the lizard's back and tail), and saura (σαύρα), meaning "lizard". In some parts of Central America, the black spiny-tailed iguana, colloquially called the "chicken of the trees," is farmed alongside the green iguana as a food source and for export for the pet trade[4] [see iguana meat]. Under natural con-ditions, C. similis is highly territorial and quick to fleewhen approached by humans. Systematics of the Ctenosaura group of lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Iguanidae). Ctenosaura similis Iguana-espinosa rayada (Spanish), Black spiny-tailed iguana (English), Common Spiny-tailed Iguana (English), Black Iguana (English) Date assessed. 2009). While this guide should aid inspection authorities in properly identifying which species are in trade, it is truly intended as a starting Genetic analyses indicate that ultimately all Florida populations derived from Honduras (Nuñez, 2016). Regardless, C. similis is a dietary opportunist and will eat whatever it can catch. About the Black Spiny Tail Iguana The black spiny-tailed iguanas, are a native species of Mexico and Central America. Savage JM, 2002. In: Revista de Biologia Tropical, 11 (2) 131-139. Iguana, 15(3):161. the molecular techniques that were used in this study. Indice de garde selon Reptiles en captivité Voir la définition; Légende des couleurs Extrême Élevé Modéré Bas N/D. Fiches techniques Législation. Species such as C. similis which are very fecund and dietary generalists are especially problematic as just a few introduced animals can transform into a large, established population in short order. Atlas of amphibians and reptiles in Florida. Geographic range: Neotropical: Ctenosaura similis is found from Veracruz and Oaxaca in Mexico through Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama), and islands adjacent to Panama. First record of the spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura similis (Gray, 1831) (Squamata: Iguanidae) in Venezuela. Dry lowland scrub, woodland, grassland, beach dunes. Zootaxa, 3028:1-64. [4] Within eight to ten weeks, the female will dig a nest and lay clutches of up to 30 eggs. Eicat category. The black spiny-tailed iguana was first described by British zoologist John Edward Gray in 1831. Zoosystematics and Evolution, 84(2):245-253. Acetaminophen and zinc phosphide for lethal management of invasive lizards Ctenosaura similis. In: Florida Scientist, 66 (2) 74-79. Predation by Loxocemus bicolor on the eggs of Ctenosaura similis and Iguana iguana. Mechanism(s) of maximum impact. March 2016. Origins of introduced populations in Venezuela and on the Colombian islands of Providencia and San Andres are uncertain. Townsend JH, Krysko KL, Enge KM, 2003. Iguanas of the world (Iguanidae: Iguaninae). Gainesville, Florida, USA: University of Florida. Reptiles of Central America., Offenbach, Germany: Herpeton. Articles considered for publication concern reptiles, amphibians, terrarium techniques, terrarium plants and arthropods. OK. Suivez nous. On the other hand, Hedges (1996, p.105) concludes that these island populations “originated by dispersal from Central America in the Quaternary”. http://www.iucn-isg.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Iguanas_of_the_World_Checklist_v2011-2.pdf. Montanucci RR, 1968. In Venezuela, C. similis was first noticed in 1998 inhabiting gardens, parking lots and parks. Iguanas of the world: their behavior, ecology, and conservation. The Reptile Database. Butterfield BP, Meshaka Jr WE, Guyer C, 1997. Stephen C; Pasachnik S; Reuter A; Mosig P; Ruyle L; Fitzgerald L, 2011. This species was first introduced to Florida, USA, during the 1970s and has expanded its range from Gasparilla Island onto the adjacent mainland and islands and throughout the southwestern coast of Florida from Manatee County southward to Collier County. Ctenosaurs have been intentionally transported from their native range to offshore Caribbean islands (Dunn, 1945; Rueda-Almonacid, 1999; Forero-Medina et al., 2006) and to Florida, USA (Krysko et al., 2003). Les bébés ne ressemblent pas du tout aux adultes (voir photo de l'adulte prise en Floride). February 2007. Iguanes ... Ctenosaura pectinata. (Ctenosaura similis) Native to Central America Males reach up to 4 feet Omnivorous Live in a variety of habitats Lay between 10-30 eggs per clutch Black spiny-tailed iguanas are large lizards, native to Central America. In addition to its varied appearance it may interbreed with other Ctenosaur species throughout this range. Ctenosaura similis, commonly known as black spiny-tailed iguana, is the largest and most widely distributed ctenosaur.Its native range stretches from southern Mexico to Panama where is exploited for food and traditional medicine. La cuve en verre fera 130x60x100 (elle vit dans un Herptek de 120x70x50) et sera coffrée dans un meuble en bois. C. similis has been introduced to Colombia, Carribbean islands of (San Andres and Providencia islands) (Tamsitt and Valdivieso, 1963) and Venezuela (Barrio-Amorós and Rivas-Fuenmayor, 2008; Flores and Esqueda, 2008). Recent genetic analyses confirmed that multiple independent introductions were responsible for the current distribution of C. similis in Florida (Nuñez, 2016). Wilson LD; Porras L, 1983. Cette fiche d’élevage synthétise les choses à savoir sur son maintien en captivité. Herpetological Review 44 (2): 322 - get paper here; Stuart, L. C. 1935. In: Conservation of Mesoamerican amphibians and reptiles [ed. In: Iguanas of the world: their behavior, ecology, and conservation [ed. The very concentrated breeding season (February to April) characteristic of the species in its native range (Nicaragua; Fitch and Henderson, 1978) occurs 2 months later (April to June) in the introduced range (Florida; Avery et al., 2014). Furthermore, within Florida, subsequent purposeful transport and introductions have exacerbated the potential impacts of ctenosaurs on native fauna (Krysko et al., 2003). Deliberate releases have occurred on Keeywadin Island, and likely have occurred on Cayo Costa and other islands as well (Krysko et al., 2003). On the southwestern Florida coast, it has been discovered from Collier County north to Tampa Bay. Adult males may reach nearly 4 feet in length. Each of the 5 haplotypes in Florida was most closely aligned with Honduran populations in the native range of C. similis. Hatchlings on Gasparilla Island, Florida grow much more slowly, averaging just 91.0 mm SVL and 21.7 g body mass after 6 months. The amphibians and reptiles of the Colombian Caribbean islands San Andres and Providencia. Gutsche A; Kohler F, 2008. 123-137. Among females with SVL ≥ 235 mm, 99 of 100 exhibited evidence of reproduction. Krysko KL; Larson KW; Diep D; Abellana E; McKercher ER, 2009. En grandissant ces iguanes massifs deviennent magnifiques. Year published. Comparative dentition in four iguanid lizards. C. similis is also found elsewhere on Florida’s southeastern coast in Martin and Broward counties (Krysko et al., 2011b), as well as in the Florida Keys on Big Pine Key and No Name Key, Monroe County (Enge et al., 2006; Krysko et al., 2011a; Anderson and Enge, 2012). Thus, in Nicaragua, eggs are laid during February to March and hatching is mostly in June (Fitch and Henderson, 1978). Invasive black spiny-tailed iguanas (. Ctenosaura similis (black spiny-tailed iguana); male (centre) with two females. Growth and ecology of spiny-tailed and green iguanas in Costa Rica, with comments on the evolution of herbivory and large body size. Journal of Herpetology, 21(4):334-335. Field personnel shot iguanas when prudent and safe during regular patrols of the study area using a .22 caliber rifle or air rifle (Avery et al., 2014). Krysko KL, Enge KM, Donlan EM, Golden EA, Burgess JP, Larson KW, 2010. [6] Males also develop an orange color around the head and throat There are currently at least five species of established large lizards in Florida: Green Iguana (Iguana iguana, Figure 28-2), Black Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura similis, Figure 28-3), Mexican Black Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura pectinata), Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus, Figure 28-4), and Argentine Tegu (Tupinambis merianae).