construct of item and then a verb. The output is exactly the same. Who is logged on to a computer? wmic QFE get /format:CSV >QFE.CSV. As the machine has never updated, there are no details of any security patches except for KB2534111 which is a hotfix. This will get one or one computers. Example: wmic qfe get hotfixid | find "KB99999" wmic qfe | find "KB99999" There is also update.exe. wmic qfe where "InstalledOn > '5/12/2015' and Description != 'Hotfix'" get Caption, Description, HotfixID, InstalledOn But the results include some updates from 2013 & 2014 too. To list all KB updates including Operating System, Office, and app updates, use the PowerShell script mentioned at the end of the article How to Print Your Windows Update History By Exporting to Text or HTML File Improve this answer. If you wanted to see all the options for this command, including name, type: wmic logicaldisk get /? Remotely list running processes every second. /node:legacyhost qfe get hotfixid. WMIC options… > c:\temp\nqfe.txt" in Windows 7, nqfe.txt file is blank , any solution ? Follow edited Apr 27 '11 at 11:58. jscott. The WHERE clause can be added to filter down to a specific item, e.g. Use WMIC's /Node:remote_computer switch to query remote computers. To print login name and full name we can run the below command. für das Auslesen der installierten Updates vom lokalen Rechner. Or from powershell, just adjust it for your needs: Get-WmiObject -query 'select * from win32_quickfixengineering' | foreach {$_.hotfixid} Share. It is possible to use WMIC to read, write or delete registry keys and values, but I would not recommend it, it is not for the faint of heart. Damit haben Administratoren erstmals die Möglichkeit, die meisten Funktionen von WMI zu nutzen, ohne gleich ein Script schreiben zu müssen. Share. WMIC stands for Windows Management Instrumentation Command. Not sure what’s wrong and I am not in the mood to troubleshoot at the moment. Shares. Application is installed on the remote machine and I can even see it on Add/Remove program in control panel, but can not see it in WMIC, even I entered the name of the application based on the name which I found on control panel, but it says : No Instance(s) availalbe , … This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. This one you . Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Remotely display System Info. wmic qfe list full / format:htable > WUAU-Client.html. Use WMIC's /NameSpace:\\root\other_namespace switch to query classes that are not located in the default CIMV2 namespace. wmic /node:machinename computersystem list full. The ALIAS defines the component of your system that you want WMIC to interact with. Work with the registry. User Account Control (UAC) may also require changes to some settings. The QFE here stands for “Quick Fix Engineering”. List user accounts: wmic useraccount get name. Die Verwendung von WMI … The output is exactly the same. This command would give you brief information about the operating system, as shown in the example below. Mit der WMI Console (kurz WMIC) wurde ein Kommando-Interpreter eingeführt, der auf relativ einfache Weise Befehle an WMI übergeben kann. wmic /node:SERVER1 printer list status Other cool stuff Another similar tool is PsExec, a part of the famous and highly useful Sysinternals suite, which can be used to execute commands on remote computers, simplifying administration. WMI can be used to manage and access WMI data on remote computers. wmic diskdrive list full wmic partition list full. PowerShell’s Get-HotFix cmdlet also uses the WMI’s Win32_QuickFixEngineering (QFE) class as the WMIC CLI tool above. I currently have the below code with PSEXEC. Now, this is not specifically related to WMIC, but while we're at being super cool from the command line in Windows, why not have it all? wmic /node:machinename process list brief /every:1 . However, once your have your settings correct, the call to a remote system is very similar to a local WMI call. View the current CPU speed Current Speed of CPU wmic cpu get CurrentClockSpeed. it provides you a list of the accounts . Keyword/XSL filename to process XML results. We can use SysInternals‘ PSTools: PSLOGGEDON-L \remotecomputer. or: PSEXEC \remotecomputer NET CONFIG WORKSTATION | FIND /I " name "or: PSEXEC \remotecomputer NET NAME What groups is this user a member of? I use win32_QuickFixEngineering and get a whole load of data returned but not everything. Psexec \\servername wmic qfe list brief > \\Pathtofolder\General\Test\patches.txt or if I could get this to export locally on my system The results also include the dates of install should that be needed from an auditing standpoint. 1. wmic / node: "REMOTE-Client" qfe list full / format:htable > WUAU-Client.html. KB7654321 COMPUTER\Admin123 8/17/2016 wmic qfe list is a Microsoft tool/utility and one that many of our plugins look at the output of to determine if the host has the desired KB updates or not. Name C: D: E: wmic os list brief. where :((=)[,]). WMIC Output Formats Obtained by executing: wmic [stuff to do] /format /? I am trying to uninstall an application on remote machine but the name is not listed after entering product get name. On one of our test computers running Windows 8.1, get-hotfix returns an incomplete list of hotfixes: ... Edit: wmic qfe list only shows the same four hotfixes as get-hotfix as well. Die Möglichkeit entfernte Windows Computer zu befragen gibt es auch. the less detailed version, or you can . Improve this question. We will use WMIC remotely with domain administrator credentials to scan the list of nodes (PCs / laptops) and install software without interrupting user experience. Display each of the logical disk drives on the computer, as shown below. Bios info. wmic QFE. REG.EXE is a lot easier to use. A more reliable method is to retrieve a list of installed programs directly from the Add/Remove list in the registry, with a VBScript like this from Torgeir Bakken. wmic qfe where "not description like " get description,hotfixid,installedon example: wmic qfe where hotfixid="KB958644" list full Remotely List Local Enabled Accounts Make configuration changes to multiple remote machines. It is possible for an update to show as installed in the 'View Installed Updates' section and Not show up in the qfe list. I want to list the hotfixes installed on Windows boxes using a wmi script. Keywords: CSV HFORM HMOF HTABLE HXML LIST RAWXML TABLE VALUE htable-sortby htable-sortby.xsl texttablewsys texttablewsys.xsl wmiclimofformat wmiclimofformat.xsl wmiclitableformat a specific printer instead of all printers. do the full version. Q&A for work. List all patches. List all files with similar extension Powershell; Compare two files with Powershell; Find installed software with Powershell, function; Back up file on remote server with PowerShell; Is Linux server virtual or physical; Top Posts & Pages. NOTE: is a or an . Das Tool der Wahl ist hier wmic, das man dem Alias QFE aufruft, also. can actually take the brief version or . The result will also include hidden shares (named with a $ at the end). wmic qfe list. Teams. When … text/html 7/26/2011 12:08:46 PM FlackMonkey 0. QUOTASETTING - Setzt Informationen für Datenträgerkontingente auf ei nem Volume. Remote connections in WMI are affected by the Windows Firewall and DCOM settings. If you just want hotfix info and not all update info uuse the wmi QFE class. Disk drive information. windows powershell hotfix. Proposed as answer by jrv Tuesday, July 26, 2011 3:23 PM; Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:16 AM. Get-WmiObject -computer (Get-Content servers.txt) Win32_QuickFixEngineering | select CSName,hotfixid,ServicePackInEffect jv. Although there are several advanced ways to accomplish this task, we will consider the simplest method: the MSI installation file, which does not require options, is located on the local disk of each remote user. Remotely display machine’s MAC address. In addition to systeminfo there is also wmic qfe. For simple tasks, the graphical msinfo32.exe utility is sufficient; for complex demands, the powerful command-line tool wmic … QFE - QFE (Quick Fix Engineering). So in this case, user account list, and . It's safe to assume that EternalBlue can successfully exploit the vulnerability and remotely execute malicious code on this machine. Get Startup List wmic startup list full. RDACCOUNT - Remotedesktopverbindungs-Berechtigungsverwaltung RDNIC - Remotedesktopverbindungs-Verwaltung auf einem bestimm ten Netzwerkadapter RDPERMISSIONS - Berechtigungen für eine bestimmte Remotedesktopverbin dung RDTOGGLE - Remotedesktoplistener wird remote … asked Nov 17 '15 at 23:08. a paid nerd a paid nerd.