He leaves abruptly, followed by Angela. But at that point, it was all there. Mais le Cerveau a fini par piéger Elliot dans une réalité utopique (dans une "routine"), privé de Darlene, son lien le plus fort avec la réalité, et comme désormais, sa mission est finie, il doit reprendre sa place et rendre le contrôle à Elliot. Buy a Pajiba T-Shirt at the Pajiba Store. There are still so many questions left surrounding Elliot and Vera's resolution, not to mention the resolution of the series at large. Robot rather close to the vest, only utilizing the character in fits and starts through the first five installments. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. When Elliot and Darlene arrive at his apartment sometime afterward, he finds a phone with Vera on the other side, claiming he has Shayla. She accepts the challenge to be the one, special person he does like. At some point, it felt like padding until Krista finally gave up Elliot and told Vera about Mr. Darlene essaie d'accéder directement aux serveurs de la Banque de Chypre. L'agent DiPiero passe le réveillon de Noël seule chez elle à discuter sur IRC avec Adium. Fernando Vera is Shayla's drug supplier. Later, at her apartment, he finds Vera in his underwear on the bed who says Shayla is in the bathroom. "By the end of [season three], he finally realizes who they are and he wants to target them. He determines that Vera has drugged and raped her, but she doesn't want to cut ties because she makes good money with him. Elliot refuses to follow through with this plan, unwilling to jeopardize workers and civilians in the blast area. I mean, it seemed like we had to deal with this Shayla and the trunk thing, right? Romero and Mobley return soon after, and the team continues on their way. (“eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt”) His persona is an idealized representation of Elliot's deceased father, Edward; where Edward was unwilling or unable to take action, Mr. Pour forcer la main de Darlene, Janice poignarde Dominique dans le poumon, la laissant agoniser sur le sol, puis menace de faire abattre toute la famille DiPierro. Quand Vera et ses sbires découvrent qu'il dit vrai, Elliot tente d'utiliser son arme sur Vera mais il l'avait déchargé. Shayla says that she deals with her problems by forgetting about them. The FBI have linked Shayla's homicide to Elliot through their common residence in their web of investigating fsociety. Robot, essentially paring the story down to one major storyline: Elliot’s mission to take down Whiterose and the Dark Army. originale 6 octobre 2019 – 22 décembre 2019 Nb. He's obsessed with Elliot. Maybe he just “edited” the page. Vera hits that button, given the huge loss Elliot suffered in the first season — and really, I would say his only true connection we've seen in the show, his connection with Shayla. Back at his apartment, they smoke weed laying on his bed. Robot. Robot releases a video declaring fsociety's "non-negotiable" terms: release their leader, Terry Colby, dismiss all outstanding consumer debt, dissolve E Corp, and donate all its assets to charity. He attributes this data dump to Mr. Ne sachant que faire et étant coincés dans la cage d’escalier, le garde fini par arriver et tente d’ouvrir la porte et voit le visage d'Elliot. De retour à New York, ils trouvent Emily, la mère d'Angela encore en couple avec Phillip Pryce, alors en pleins préparatifs du mariage de leur fille avec Elliot. Robot is also emotionally manipulative, and can be quick to violence. Vera advis… At 9:49 P.M., Elliot stages a massive prison break and waits for Vera outside the fences. Robot is an American drama thriller television series created by Sam Esmail for USA Network.It stars Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson, a cybersecurity engineer and hacker with social anxiety disorder and clinical depression.Elliot is recruited by an insurrectionary anarchist known as "Mr. His only task: To get all the members of the Deus Group in one room. Instead of morphine, Elliot is given heroin, and is apparently shot by an unidentified gunman. That's what the scene is about: all of those times we've felt less than, felt powerless and felt bullied. "The first words Elliot said to us in the pilot were about that top one percent," said Esmail. Vera and DJ escape on foot, content to let their crime operation end. Later that night, they go to a club. I'm sitting here talking to you and my five-year-old twins are downstairs watching a movie! 412 Precondition Failed − Series Finale, Part 1, 413 Payload Too Large − Series Finale, Part 2, Portail des séries télévisées américaines, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Saison_4_de_Mr._Robot&oldid=174924069, Article manquant de références depuis octobre 2019, Article manquant de références/Liste complète, Article avec une section vide ou incomplète, Portail:Séries télévisées américaines/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Jing Xu : Wang Shu, l'assistante de Whiterose, dans le premier épisode, il s'attaque à Ron, qui diffuse du contenu pédopornographique, en saison 1, il décide d'intervenir face à Vera quand il comprend qu'il a violé Shayla, en saison 2, il signale le site de Ray lorsqu'il comprend qu'il l'utilise pour du trafic d'être humain, dans le premier épisode de la saison 4, pour s'attaquer à la Dark army, il choisit un avocat (Freddie Lomax) coupable de détention d'images pédopornographiques. That's what I found out. En arrivant chez Tobias, ils se rendent compte que la voiture de Tobias est garée devant chez lui et qu’ils sont dans une autre voiture similaire. Robot essaie de lui expliquer en quoi c'est une mauvaise idée mais Elliot fait la sourde oreille. Juste après, Elliot reçoit un appel de Darlene : leur mère est décédée et leur a laissé ses derniers biens. I became a fan of the show. by Elliot wants Shayla to leave, while she wants to know if it's Wednesday so she can move her car. Robot remains notably quiet throughout the planning stages, saying that Elliot has everything well in hand. He takes Elliot aside and explains the next step in the plan: hacking Comet Electric's fuel pipeline controls. What did you know about your potential return in the time between appearances? Il préfère le suivre jusqu'au Queens Museum où il trouve une clé cachée dans un mur d'une salle de conservation. Darlene tells Elliot that Vera (pictured above) — the guy who killed Elliot’s old girlfriend, Shayla — had been around, and that when Darlene told Elliot about it a few weeks prior, Elliot blew it off. Ahead, THR speaks with Elliot Villar about hacking into the mind of Fernando Vera, what he knew about the villain's journey heading into the final season, the smiling psychopath's two key "superpowers," and why he fully believes Mr. She talks about getting used to her job and is surprised when he says he had a good day. He wants Elliot to be on board, but he's the type of person who wants to make sure he's controlling all the pieces. I take this shit to heart. Shayla wants to know what is happening, but Elliot says he has to go to work, much to her objections. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Elliot met le feu au fourgon avec l’agent de la Dark Army à l’intérieur. There are some interesting parallels to their storylines, right? (“eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf”). Shayla saves the fish and asks Elliot to help her move a dresser in her apartment. It brings Darlene and Elliot closer together, but we don’t learn that much aside from the fact that they disliked their mother; their mother felt alone; she had a safe deposit box, the contents of which were destroyed. Sitemap | Robot. Eventually, he became a gang leader, dealing guns and drugs of all kinds throughout New York City. Quand elle comprend que le groupe occulte est derrière la mort de sa mère, Olivia passe l'appel. I mean, she's just so deeply focused, dedicated, courageous. How did it inform your view of the character? On it, he discovers a .dat file with a pattern of IP addresses, and a simple message: "LEAVE ME HERE". Quand l'homme affirme vouloir rentrer chez lui, Darlene se propose de le ramener puis d'utiliser la voiture pour aller chercher son frère. She is played by Frankie Shaw. By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 15, 2019 |. To accomplish that, Price informs Whiterose that he is resigning as CEO of E Corp immediately, requiring that Whiterose convene the entire Deus Group on New Year’s Day to pick a successor. Who is it? This is going to be intense." Elsewhere, Dom is trying to clean up the Santiago mess. She trusted me enough, but she also was in it and wanting to feel it and, I mean, it was wonderfully fun at the end of takes. Someone who has power has got to believe in themselves, right? They get to know each other, in so much that Shayla deals drugs and Elliot doesn't like most people. But once he knows that, I think he is keyed into, "Well, this is it. It's even just from that initial moment that all of a sudden these two people are linked. I think that it's certainly a surprise to him that this woman who he sees in this photo is Elliot's therapist, or at least is this person who does this for a living. Robot. Darlene finit par admettre qu'elle pleure plus la mort d'Angela que celle de sa mère. So it wasn't until then that I got Sam on the line. Robot threatens to make a scene, Elliot agrees to talk at the bar next door. Robot: Mr. She gives in, but makes him promise he won't do a lot until she can get subs from Vera. However, Darlene may know enough about Susan Jacobs to get Elliot what he needs. Not just an emotional level, but an intellectual level. Robot is to give him advice to get out of a situation when he doesn't know how to get out alone. Darlene s’habille avec des habits de sport et fait semblant de sortir de la salle de sport. Angela supports him getting into a relationship and leaves. Vera retient Krista en otage chez elle, la forçant à lui révéler tout ce qu'elle sait d'Elliot afin de lui faire du mal. Elliot breaks Fernando Vera out of prison in season one, and then he's gone — right until the end of season three. Comme elle refuse, il révèle qu'il a drogué son café avec de l'oxycodone et qu'un contrôle de drogue pourrait lui faire perdre la bataille juridique de la garde de son enfant. (“eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4”). (Laughs.) When Darlene asks about the plan of attack against Steel Mountain, Mr. Ils en viennent à parler de la nature humaine et comment créer un monde sans haine pour les parias comme eux : Whiterose veut utiliser sa machine pour créer un nouveau monde meilleur, mais Elliot reconnait que s'il se déteste lui-même, le fait que son entourage tienne à lui suffit à défendre ce monde. But I remember when I saw him on the day I showed up to get into wardrobe, and before I got to the wardrobe, I showed up on set and I saw Sam, and he hugged me and he said, "Are you ready to be the king of New York?". For you, the questions are over. The props master kept trying to swap in a plastic grapefruit spoon for our takes when I come up to her and threaten her with that spoon, and Gloria kept insisting: "No, I don't want the plastic spoon. Shayla Nico moved in to next to Elliot's apartment at 207 East Broadway, NYC sometime in 2014. He doesn't want to get personal because of his social skills. Elliot, a brilliant but highly unstable young cyber-security engineer and vigilante hacker, becomes a key figure in a complex game of global dominance when he and his shadowy allies try to take down the corrupt corporation he works for. In early March, Elliot calls her over to get a refill on suboxone while high on morphine he takes to combat his loneliness. I think he sees himself somewhat as [an equal]. The ensuing explosion would destroy the hardened Steel Mountain data facility, along with E Corp's backups; at the same time, the Dark Army would launch an attack against a redundant facility in Beijing. Sa mère confirme qu'il n'a jamais été violé enfant et qu'il est fils unique. It’s a very straightforward episode … until the twist in the end. People walk around, act like they know what hate means. She refuses to be used and suggests he take the girl from this morning. When I came back for that teaser, that set things up, knowing that there was this singular purpose: to own New York, and somehow, I needed Elliot to do that. Elliot provoque une panne de courant, les mettant dans l’obscurité et rendant l’enregistrement inopérant. Travelling to Dulles with Gideon Goddard, Elliot isolates a single infected server, CS30. Robot was created to inspire war against E Corp and incite historical change. Mr. Darlene la retrouve chez elle avec un plan pour quitter le pays avec elle et Elliot, mais ce dernier ne peut partir et se rend à Washington Township. Shayla is preparing to walk Flipper and invites her to walk with them. Robot explains fsociety's agenda: they intend take down E Corp by destroying their financial data, erasing consumer debt and devastating the capitalist economy. Elle profite de la surprise de Janice pour l'abattre avec ses hommes et appeler des secours, laissant Darlene fuir pour rejoindre Elliot. Elliot has eight days to take down Whiterose before she and the Dark Army take control of the Deus Group and the world. Robot intervenes, instructing everyone to check and recheck their backdoors into E Corp's network. Craignant encore pour sa vie et celle de sa famille, elle décide de quitter l'hôpital dès qu'elle le peut mais reste le sujet d'une enquête du FBI comme agent actif de la Dark Army et ne peut voir sa famille. Follow THR.com/MrRobot for more coverage. Tyrell le frappe à la tête d’un coup de marteau. She asks if his radiator is broken as it is very hot in her apartment. Later that night, Elliot goes to Shayla's apartment to ask her if he'll go to dinner at his boss's apartment. I'm probably the furthest thing from an eccentric, manic, deadly drug dealer, you know? Mr. Elliot reprend conscience sur un parking, près du lieu où se trouvait la centrale de Washington Township. On an external level, one of Elliot's oldest enemies is still in play: Fernando Vera, the violent drug lord played by Elliot Villar. Promises matter, okay? Les bureaux semblent déserts et Elliot lance son script sans rencontrer d'opposition jusqu'à ce qu'il soit surpris par des hommes armés de la Dark Army, qui ont massacré les employés et le mène à une salle privée avec Whiterose. In Jungian terms, Mr. Pour la vie d'Angela, Elliot veut pousser Price à provoquer le groupe Deus en arrangeant un sommet de tous ses membres en huit jours. Déjà manipulé par le Dominicain, Elliot exige de voir Krista en vie, mais en échange, Vera veut être confronté à Mr. Darlene commence à craindre que Tobias ne soit suicidaire et veut l'empêcher de faire un geste irréparable, mais il n'en est rien. Après avoir obtenu les accès aux serveurs, le duo tente de s’enfuir. (“eps1.0_hellofriend.mov”). But I had to look for the ways that I can connect to him, and it's right there: he's a storyteller. (“eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf”), Vera eventually makes a return by Season 3 (after Elliot and Darlene's conflict with the Dark Army at their safehouse). I always find putting the audience in that position really interesting and really engaging. Discharged from hospital, Elliot returns home to find Darlene, who says that they need to talk. Shayla Nico is Elliot's drug dealer, neighbor, and former lover. I was just like, "Wow." Unlike Elliot himself, he is not afraid to voice his opinion of the society in which they live, to the point of influencing Elliot to start a global revolution, often without the latter's knowledge or consent. She is confused when he doesn't remember talking to her when she first arrived a few hours ago. When Elliot wakes from his withdrawal-induced hallucination, Mr. Robot avouent s'apprécier, tout devient rouge. For his part, Esmail has played Vera's impact on the final season of Mr. When Mr. Comment ajouter mes sources ? Elle retrouve un contact de sexe en ligne et lui propose de la rejoindre. Elle a volontairement oublié son mobile sur le comptoir. (“eps1.0_hellofriend.mov”). La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 21 septembre 2020 à 22:16. She met him after she dropped a fish in a glass bowl given to her by her 6 year old niece in the hallway. Elliot sent qu'elle veut le manipuler comme elle a manipulé Angela et refuse. https://mrrobot.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Robot?oldid=13381. But at the end of the day, it was like we were doing this piece of theater, and when we were done, she would turn to me and say, "That was fun, wasn't it?" You tend to want to lean in more. Unfortunately, he just doesn't use it for the best of purposes. Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». Vera's role escalates significantly in "406 Not Acceptable," as he kidnaps Elliot's therapist Krista (Gloria Reuben) as a means of getting closer to Elliot himself. Elliot Villar (born June 6, 1980) is an American actor born and raised in the Bronx, NYC. At the end of the day, we're going through these really intense scenes. Robot va confronter Tyrell, où ils sont surpris par Philip Price qui annonce que Tyrell va être réembauché à E Corp comme directeur de la technologie, un poste de façade qui ne mènera à rien. Sa visite aux États-Unis lui laisse entrevoir une vie avec Chen, son amant, à qui il fait son coming out transgenre. At first, Mr. That night, fsociety launches a massive DDoS attack against E Corp, disabling their servers and inserting a rootkit. Janice les surprend et Darlene affirme qu'elle a effacé toutes les données de son téléphone. Vera ramène Elliot chez le Dr Gordon et lui offre une nouvelle fois d'être son partenaire dans sa conquête de New York. He wants to be the best. You didn’t tell me?” And Mr. Robot leads Elliot to a run-down property in Coney Island. Shayla is called to the hospital when Elliot falls off the boardwalk, as he has listed her as his emergency contact. After seeing that Vera boasts about raping Shayla in code on Twitter, he sends an anonymous tip and has Vera and his gang arrested. My acting teacher at Yale, Ron Van Lieu, always used to say: "In the pursuit of illuminating the human condition, aspire to the expenditure of soul; that is the artist's great task and reward." Elle confie alors en colère, qu'elle craint pour son frère, ce qu'elle a toujours fait. But the Dark Army and the Deus Group leader is just one of Elliot's many antagonists still on the board. Elliot cache le corps de son double dans un carton et se prépare à prendre sa place au mariage. But who? He wants to go to the police, but Shayla refuses, explaining that she makes good money on the split. (“eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4”), On March 31st, Shayla is working at a cowboy themed restaurant as a waitress. Mr. Shayla Nico is Elliot's drug dealer, neighbor, and former lover. He is played by Elliot Villar. As the episode comes to an end, with Elliot getting a call from Krista, who says she was kidnapped by Vera and wants to meet with Elliot, Mr. About Our Ads fsociety begins dumping large amounts of confidential E Corp data. The “other one” isn’t Elliot, and it isn’t Mr. All rights reserved. With both Elliot and Krista kidnapped at the end of "406 Not Acceptable," Mr. Alderson may not have much of a choice — and besides, Esmail has already warned about a world where viewers will find themselves rooting for the Mr. He was the only one dealing it and Shayla's new neighbor and client Elliot Alderson wanted it. (“eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg”). Now you're rooting for him and against him at the same time. She asks if his radiator is broken as it is very hot in her apartment. Elliot expérimente alors des glitchs dans sa réalité et arrive dans une reconstitution du bureau de Krista Dumont. Robot who is most repulsed by Elliot these days, not so much the other way around, especially after the young hacker's latest actions: driving a woman to the point of attempting suicide, all in service of defeating Whiterose. Dominique surgit dans l’appartement d’Angela et braque Darlene. How convenient. When he asks to hear about the real her, and presses through her embarrassment, she shows him cloth tapestries that she makes. Robot. His younger brother Isaac convinced him to make his transactions online, such as on Twitter through coded language, a cost-effective alternative. Not long afterwards, Elliot spots Mr. Vera says Shayla is in the bathroom, although she doesn't answer Elliot's calls. Quand elle reprend connaissance, DiPierro tente de pousser Darlene à l'abattre, rongée par des pensées suicidaires et préférant mourir que de subir les conséquences de son échec. She leaves the room so he can talk to his psychiatrist, Krista Gordon. I trust you." Privacy | In need of a fix, Elliot implores Mr. Robot revient et amène peu à peu Elliot à accepter la réalité, confirmée par Angela : il n'est pas dans un monde alternatif créé par la machine de Whiterose, mais une création mentale qu'il a construit pour y retenir le véritable Elliot Alderson et le protéger contre ce qu'il a vécu. He wants to go inside, but she is adamant in refusing. Sans réseau pour téléphoner, ils commencent à marcher vers un village hypothétique, craignant chaque bruit de la forêt, Tyrell parle pour passer le temps, et en croyant arriver à destination, ils réalisent qu'ils ont tourné en rond en retrouvant la station perdue. In some situations, Mr. On remarque d'ailleurs que Elliot est, depuis le début particulièrement sensible à la pédocriminalité, comme un signe pré-révélateur de son viol : Elliot et Krista s'échappent avant que les hommes de Vera ne reviennent et trouvent le corps de leur patron. They makeout. When you have the audience there, then you can start to play with expectations from episode to episode.". You wouldn't think this person would be connected to their emotions, to his feelings, but I think he really is, and that's why he's able to intuit behavior and figure people out. Robot appears sympathetic; then he accuses Elliot of betraying his father's trust, and shoves him off the boardwalk railing. By the end of the film, the villain is asking [the hero] to kill him, and if that happens, he wins. Robot's first test. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mr. Robot rewatch ↳ eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf “This is a zero-sum game.Calculate all the outcomes. The Hollywood Reporter speaks with one of the antagonists responsible for terrorizing Rami Malek's Elliot Alderson. As Elliot confronts her, Shayla wants to know what's going on and Darlene wants to be introduced. She met him after she dropped a fish in a glass bowl given to her by her 6 year old niece in the hallway. DiPierro est envoyée par Janice rejoindre l'enquête sur l'incendie du fourgon de la Dark Army et doit permettre le piratage de la police locale. When asked about her previous job, Shayla says she worked in pharmaceuticals, but then Obamacare happened. Though he is intelligent and charismatic, Mr. https://mrrobot.fandom.com/wiki/Fernando_Vera?oldid=13792. Robot in the New York City subway. It's always a big deal where Vera and hugs are concerned! Robot lost faith when his father was jailed, eventually realizing that he and everyone else were prisoners of capitalism. They later smoke weed outside. Elliot tries to put fsociety behind him and live a "bug-free life", but the next round of data dumps reveals Terry Colby's involvement in the toxic waste leak that caused Edward Alderson's leukemia. In several episodes, Mr. Shayla sells the last of her drugs in the women's bathroom while Angela laughs that she has to be at work in four hours. Vera advises that hating oneself is true power. Right. He asks to kiss her. Elliot arrête le saignement et tente de convaincre Olivia une dernière fois en lui rappelant les méthodes du groupe Deus. He even tells Elliot, "You remind me of me when I was younger, when I was depressed and wanting to kill myself." She says she likes staring at his face and asks to not be forgotten when Elliot's memory becomes corrupted. Ils hackent l’ascenseur pour accéder à l’étage sécurisé et entre dans la salle des serveurs avec l’empreinte créée. Elliot wants a refill on morphine, which Shayla finds suspiciously early. Inside is Darlene. Initially impressed by this ethos, Mr. Elliot spends April 1st figuring out how to break Vera out of prison by the night. After saving Elliot from an overdose last week, he reluctantly agrees to help Elliot destroy Whiterose. With Rami Malek, Christian Slater, Carly Chaikin, Martin Wallström. Cet article présente le guide des épisodes de la quatrième et dernière saison de la série télévisée américaine Mr Robot. Elliot is like, “What? Elle laisse Elliot avec un dernier choix à faire avant, en acte de foi, de se tuer. Without giving up what you know, what was your satisfaction level with how Mr. I was like, "Yeah, bizarrely, that was fun.". Mr. Mr. Elliot threatens to disable Vera's entire operation using information hacked from Isaac's phone should either he or Shayla be harmed. With the way this episode ends, it's effectively Vera telling both Elliot and the audience: "Like it or not, you're going to make time for me." They part ways. Darlene accepte de restaurer son téléphone mais le GPS le localise dans l'appartement de Krista Dumont, où il n'est plus. Robot, who was it? Shayla asks what he's doing tonight, as she couldn't find him on Facebook. Le garde prévient son collègue et lui demande d’appeler la police. Vera gets in a car with his gang and drives off just as Elliot is arriving. Price avoue également que la personne qu'Elliot recherche pour suivre la trace de l'argent de la Dark Army est Susan Jacobs, disparue depuis des mois. She's worried about her financial situation and that he broke his promise when she notices the lock to his door has been picked. After some hesitation, Elliot explains the circumstances of Edward's diagnosis, the promise he failed to keep, and how Edward pushed him out of a second-story window. Following Colby's indictment, Mr. | Cookie Settings. Terms of Use | En déplaçant le corps, il est surpris par Dom, simple agent de police dans cette réalité, qui découvre le corps. Alors qu'Elliot et Mr. Malgré les conseils de Price, Angela réclame vengeance pour les manipulations de Whiterose. Cette dernière doit encore patienter deux mois avant de pouvoir lancer la fin de son projet, ce qui lui laisse jusqu'aux fêtes de fin d'année 2016 avant de se résoudre à tuer Elliot. Privacy Policy / Advertise L'agente du FBI ne peut s'y résoudre et assomme Darlene dans la baignoire d'un coup de crosse. Dominique vend le mensonge de la Dark Army au FBI quant à la mort de l'agent Santiago, mais Janice n'étant pas convaincue, tue l'agent interrogateur dans un faux suicide. Janice attache Darlene et Dominique, puis commence à les torturer pour qu'elles leur donnent les données du téléphone de Darlene et l'emplacement d'Elliot. TV Shows. Shayla walks home with Elliot, stopping at a convenience store as he buys cigarettes and a 5 Hour Energy. De la même manière que Mr Robot et Elliot « le cyber-justicier » ont un physique différent (alors qu'ils sont une part du même vrai Elliot), rien n'indique que le physique de ce vrai Elliot est proche de celui du personnage suivi depuis le début. He is last seen introducing himself to Darlene outside of Elliott's apartment building. This has prompted comparisons to the behavior of militant cult leaders. Soon afterward, Elliot enters Shayla's apartment and finds Vera in his underpants on her bed. Ce dernier, l’assomme en poussant la porte, ce qui lui permet de prendre la fuite à pied. Vera leaves in a car with his gang while Elliot walks with her inside. Soon afterward, Elliot enters Shayla's apartment and finds Vera in his underpants on her bed. Is there a world in which the computer hacker signs on for Vera's vision? In the early morning of April 1st, members of his gang kidnap Shayla and confront Elliot. He feels a "spiritual connection" with Elliot and seems to feel somewhat of an affection for him despite the clear lack of interest Elliot has for him. Sam Sepiol is the multimillionaire founder of Bleetz. Vera reveals some of his backstory in this episode in the form of the story about the baseball bat, the bully and "the little bitch." https://mrrobot.fandom.com/wiki/Shayla_Nico?oldid=13468. I mean, this is a guy who says he deeply cares about the meaning of a person's name. And then I walked into my trailer and saw this big, lion-furred coat, and I just went, "Okay.