Assurance médicale voyage avec AXA Assistance dès 18€ ! Because we’re the global healthcare specialists for AXA, one of the world’s leading insurers – a business that people have relied on for support and protection for over 55 years. Louga Louga, Senegal, +221 78 014 84 51. If you are having trouble using Healthcode, you can find their contact information using the link below. Not Now. Phone : +33 (0) Notre expertise dans le domaine médical permet à AXA Partners de proposer des programmes d’assistance santé adaptés aux besoins de nos partenaires assureurs, mutuelles, instituts de prévoyance et entreprises. Assistance is available around the world through AXA Assistance Global Alarm Centers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Et : Juridica S.A. au capital de 14 627 854,68 € - 572 079 150 R.C.S. The decision to offer your clients an assistance program adapted and complementary to your services is a sincere way to express your goodwill and cultivate loyalty to your brand. Intuitive and user-friendly, the platform allows you to consult your covers and current requests anywhere, anytime. Protection des salariés. About See All. Nous proposons une assistance technique et médicale sur la route, ainsi que des assurances et des solutions innovantes pour une gestion optimale de la mobilité. Medical & Health. Conseil. We offer a range of services to fit the needs our clients, including … Worldwide Travel Insurance from AXA covers you, your partner, and all dependent children who are 22 years of age or under. As an international assistance specialist, AXA Assistance develops tailor-made programs which allow you to build longstanding relationships with your clients. Community See All. HOL/A0000000; AXA Global Healthcare numbers have these prefixes: AXI, AXE, AXC, BXI, BXE, BXC, HKE, KVE, OGI; OR format 7000000; Healthcode issues? AXA can help by providing you with Low Cost Schengen Area travel insurance that meets your visa requirements when traveling to the Schengen Area from as little as €0.99 per day - a fee that will cover you for medical expenses up to €30,000 in all Schengen countries - a price that isn’t too hard on your wallet ahead of your trip! GO My bank details. Contracts and Terms of Recognition. AXA in the Gulf. or. Avec le service de consultation médicale par téléphone, à tout moment, des partenaires santé répondent à vos questions. England . Cera is a CQC registered, digitally enabled, home care company.. We support people with experienced and compassionate carers and we use technology to provide an efficient, reliable, home care service. 332 people like this. L’équipe médicale d’AXA Assistance vous accueille 7 jours sur 7, et ce quel que soit l’endroit où vous vous trouvez, en France, comme à l’étranger ! Community See All. We can even lend a helping hand if you lose your keys or add the wrong fuel by mistake. Ndioum (6,222.53 mi) Ndioum, Senegal, Get Directions +221 77 182 21 59. Vacancies; Coronavirus; CONTACT ; PRODUCTS . Contact Information . Redhill. Axa Assistance Redefining Service. Please refer to the Policy document for full definitions and restrictions with regards to travelling independently from the Account Holder. Company Name: Axa Assistance Medical … Versailles - Entreprise régie par le Code des assurances - TVA intracommunautaire : FR 69 572 079 150 - Siège social : 1 place Victorien Sardou 78160 Marly-le-Roi. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies destinés à améliorer la performance de ce site, à en adapter les fonctionnalités et vous permettre de partager des contenus de notre site avec d'autres personnes ou de faire connaître à ces autres personnes votre consultation ou votre opinion. Log In. Vacancies; Coronavirus; CONTACT ; PRODUCTS . Beyond an emergency response: supporting our partners and looking after our customers anytime, anywhere, Beyond an emergency response: supporting our partners and looking after our customers. Sub category . 341 people follow this. Medical & Health in Ndioum, Saint-Louis, Senegal. Couverture complète : Frais médicaux, assistance, rapatriement, annulation et bagages. and require people to revise their ambitions, reorganise their home and adapt their lifestyle. Inter Partner Assistance S.A. est membre du Groupe AXA Assistance. both in their everyday life in case of emergency: car breakdowns, home emergencies, and sickness abroad… We are by their side, whenever they need us, listening to their needs and responding with top-quality solutions. This is what we do each and every day. L’assurance voyage Schengen doit couvrir les éventuels frais de rapatriement pour raison médicale. Log In. a. assistance mÉdicale et frais mÉdicaux 11 b. assistance aux voyages 14 ii. Si besoin, ils pourront également vous orienter vers des professionnels de santé partenaires : médecins spécialistes (cardiologues, ORL, dermato, gynéco…) ou paramédicaux (diététiciens, psychologues…). Cover is until age 79 (64 for Winter Sports). Domains . 514 people like this. Surrey . More about this option . Forgot account? Forgot account? At AXA Health, we want to help you bring out your best self. University of Sussex. This video is unavailable. Intelligent roadside assistance . or. pour l’Irlande Police AXA A69000 : • Assistance Médicale et Frais Médicaux • Garantie Effets Personnels, Argent et Documents de Voyages Inter Partner Assistance a confié la mise en oeuvre et la gestion des garanties acquises aux Titulaires des Cartes American Express à AXA Assistance France, Le Carat 6 rue André Gide 92328 Châtillon Cedex. AXA ASSISTANCE FRANCE ASSURANCES. If you have questions regarding your travel insurance policy, please visit our FAQs. Their current partial address is Westmeath, and the company status is Dissolved with the company closing on Friday the 10th of October 2008. See more of Louga Assistance Médicale on Facebook. Automotive. See more of Ndioum Assistance Médicale on Facebook. At AXA Assistance, we stand by our customers and provide on-going support. Axa Assistance Medical Services Limited was set up on Tuesday the 4th of July 2006. GO. AXA, one of the largest global insurers, is a worldwide leader in Insurance and Asset Management with a purpose of empowering people to live better lives. Une gamme de services pour répondre aux imprévus domestiques et la sécurité de votre domicile. Tel: 0800 028 3336 or +44 1737 815 023. For medical and cancellation cover on a budget, or the highest cover levels with the lowest excesses, AXA’s the first place to visit for quality worldwide medical travel insurance. Plus de 10 000 professionnels aux côtés de nos clients en France, Nos équipes inventent les nouveaux modèles de l’assurance et de l’assistance, Au service d’une même passion, nous accompagnons nos clients 24/7 à chaque moment de leur vie, En bref - Rapport de solvabilité et situation financière 2020, Retour sur la crise sanitaire du COVID-19. Solutions. GO. 106-118 Station Road. Elle est indispensable pour un visa d’entrée dans l’espace Schengen. Watch Queue Queue. Louga Assistance Médicale. RH1 1PR. UNIT 13, KILMARTIN ATHLONE N6 CENTRE, DUBLIN ROAD, ATHLONE ; Ireland; Annual Return Last Made Up … About See All. Une offre de téléassistance pour le maintien à domicile des personnes âgées. Axa Assistance - Linkedin; ABOUT US ; PEOPLE . Private. Apply. Services. Should you have a query about any of our products & services please . Create New Account. Search. In the Gulf region, AXA has been present for more than 68 years, offering a wide range of insurance products and services for corporate, SME and individual customers. Medical & Health. Sector . Beyond an emergency response: Supporting our partners and looking after our customers anytime, anywhere . Axa Assistance - Facebook; Axa Assistance - Twitter; Axa Assistance - Linkedin; ABOUT US ; PEOPLE . Always Open. STP followed by 7 digits; Health-on-Line. Why us; SERVICE DELIVERY ; INNOVATION ; NEWS ; anytime, anywhere. La gamme complète de services pour accompagner les automobilistes partout dans le monde. Menu. Watch Queue Queue Our first responsibility is therefore upstream: to identify and minimise any risks that may impact our customers' life. With us, you’re covered for up to £15M for emergency medical, surgical, hospital, ambulance and medical … AXA PPP Tunbridge Wells. a. assistance mÉdicale et frais mÉdicaux 11 b. assistance aux voyages 14 ii. Ndioum Assistance Médicale. GO. Les solutions d'assurance et d'assistance sur mesure pour les professionnels du voyage. L'assistance des professionnels du transport de personnes et de marchandises. With any of our cover levels, you’ll have access to private healthcare anywhere in the world, including access to our AXA select network of hospitals where we can pay your treatment costs directly for you. The MyAXA Healthcare platform is intended for all members of a AXA health insurance, contracted by their employer. Billing or invoices . Page Transparency See More. Simple, fast and efficient, MyAXA Healthcare … We’ll know where to find answers if an ache keeps you awake or fix you up with a physio to sort out that niggly knee. L’assistance médicale à l'étranger est indispensable à l’obtention d’un visa Schengen. Accéder au Contenu; Accéder au Pied de page; ASSISTANCE SERVICES ET ASSISTANCE; ESPACE CLIENT ESPACE CLIENT; Vous êtes ici : AXA Assurance professionnelle et entreprise. Dentist and Optician Cashback. Our first responsibility is therefore upstream: to identify and minimise any risks that may impact our customers' life. 14 check-ins. anytime, anywhere. COVID-19 : Retour sur une crise sanitaire inédite, Retour sur le lancement de notre nouvelle solution digitale pour les prestataires Habitation, Prevention du stress et des risques psycho sociaux. Automotive+. AXA Assistance USA continues to monitor the evolving 2019-nCoV (COVID-19) developments and assist our customers 24/7. The Quadrangle. Lorsqu’on est confronté à une question médicale, on souhaite en général une réponse d’expert rapidement. Roadside assistance comes as standard with Breakdown insurance from AXA, as does access to our new, free, online breakdown recovery tool, e-Rescue 3. If you are having trouble using Healthcode, you can find their contact information using the link below . AXA Assistance offers a broad range of medical and non-medical services that provide travelers with peace of mind when they are away from home. Une trentaine de médecins français, salariés et formés à la téléconsultation sont à votre disposition. Create New Account. I'd like to review my contract with AXA Health. And we know what we’re doing. Conseils. Use our filters to make a selection . We’ll make sure you’re diagnosed and treated quickly and be the friendly expert you can trust throughout your cancer journey. Both companies are fully owned by the AXA Group. contact: AXA Assistance (UK) Ltd. Employee Assistance Programme. AXA ASSISTANCE MEDICAL SERVICES LIMITED Company Number 423083 Status Dissolved Incorporation Date 4 July 2006 (over 14 years ago) Dissolution Date 10 October 2008 Company Type Single member private company limited by shares Jurisdiction Ireland Registered Address. Wherever life takes you: we’ll be here if you need us. Why us; SERVICE DELIVERY ; INNOVATION ; NEWS ; About us. AXA Assistance : Spécialiste des interventions d'urgence (assistance automobile, voyage, médicale et services à la personne). Report this profile Experience Chargée d’assistance pour rapatriement médicale AXA ASSISTANCE FRANCE ASSURANCES Jun 2020 - Aug 2020 3 months. When members of your team are going through difficult times, such as divorce or money problems, they may find it hard to concentrate on work. AA0000000A; 0000000A; AXA/A0000000; AXA PPP Bristol. AXA Partners accompagne les collaborateurs en voyage d’affaires pour une mission ou pour une expatriation... Des solutions médicales depuis la prévoyance jusqu'à la santé de vos collaborateurs en mission. This option gives them a professionally trained expert to talk to, whenever they need a listening ear. Not Now. Healthcode issues? The breakdown policies are brought to you by AXA Assistance (UK) Limited and underwritten by Inter Partner Assistance SA UK branch. Medical & Health . 519 people follow this. The company's current directors have been the director of 6 other Irish companies between them; 3 of which are now closed. Téléconsultation médicale.