The metropolitan areas subsidise peripheral France. Priscillia Ludosky started the movement with her online petition against the rising cost of fuel. Elles sont le fait de certains gilets jaunes qui se sont radicalisés. Loups, requins, djihadistes et gilets jaunes. He has started a “great national debate” in hundreds of village and town meetings. And they are. Some “ordinary” GJs waded in. Lire la suite →, Le traitement médiatique du mouvement des « gilets jaunes » réserve une large place aux « débordements » et « violences » accompagnant certains blocages. La solution miracle n’existe pas, et elle ne sera jamais juridique dans un tel contexte. This nonsense is always accompanied, as it often is in the United States and Britain, by a message telling you that the mainstream media is lying. LeVavasseur, an auxiliary nurse from Normandy, is one of the more thoughtful gilets jaunes (and therefore detested by many others). Les médias et la « radicalisation » des gilets jaunes Publié le 20 novembre 2018 par Ingrid Riocreux Le traitement médiatique du mouvement des « gilets jaunes » réserve une large place aux « débordements » et « violences » accompagnant certains blocages. They come from a section of French society that is usually invisible, permanently grumpy but little engaged in politics. Drouet is a car fanatic, a “petrol head”, but also someone with extremist political tendencies. That’s why, I think, Macron has sparked such anger and hatred: not so much for what he has done in the past 20 months but for what he represents and some of the things he has said. Au contraire, on en a d’autant plus parlé qu’on a voulu appuyer sur ce qui faisait mal : violences, désorganisation, beaufitude crasse, revendications politiques extravagantes, etc. No one should underestimate the importance of a decision last July to reduce the two-lane speed limit in France from 90kph to 80kph. Ludosky’s original petition exploded online, attracting hundreds of thousands of signatures. Their support, always limited compared with previous French rebellions, is waning. protest against fuel taxes on 17 November. And so to the second word or phrase you hear: ras le bol, which means sick to the teeth. Pre-gilets jaunes, he was a loud-mouthed young man more likely to watch Top Gear than to read Das Kapital or Mein Kampf. The gilets jaunes are also un-French – or at least atypical – because they have not come from the usual or expected sources of protest: unions, farmers, students, the multi-racial banlieues. The violence is not limited to the Saturdays-only protests in French cities. Speeding fines, in this rural view, are just another way of taxing ploucs or pecnos – yokels or rednecks. Actually she earns, nothing, zero, rien. Les étudiants d’alors avaient ouvert la voie, une partie de la population avait suivi. They also point to a wider, existential crisis for 21st-century democracies. Le poids de la fiscalité … Lire la suite →, agrégée de lettres modernes, spécialiste de grammaire, rhétorique et stylistique, Le grand débat sera médiatique ou ne sera pas, Gilets jaunes : les médias jouent avec le feu, Gilets jaunes : la nouvelle stratégie médiatique, Les médias et la « radicalisation » des gilets jaunes. Les violences insoutenables qui ont émaillé Paris et plusieurs villes de France samedi après samedi ont choqué le monde entier. Petrol prices rapidly set alight other grievances in rural and outer suburban France, some concrete, some more existential: a lack of public services, the high cost of living, a new tax on some pensions, the fact that Macron had partially abolished a tax on wealth. Asked to sum up yellow-vest demands in a single sentence, she said: “That we should feel recognised and valued.”. Actualités de Francis Lalanne, Florian Philippot - Gilets jaunes: adieu la représentation, bonjour la récupération! It’s now 10% to 14%. The Facebook group "Femmes gilets jaunes" was created by Karen, a 42-year-old nurse from Marseille. It is not a monolithic, single-minded movement. Les gilets jaunes ont expérimenté l’accaparement de leurs marches par les Black Blocks, les racailles de banlieue, les Dieudonnistes antisémites… A Hong Kong, des manifestants violents ont occupé et vandalisé le bâtiment du Conseil législatif le 1er juillet. Ludosky is a calm young woman with dreadlocks who runs her own cosmetics business from home. The gilets jaunes rapidly moved from a protest movement with specific demands to a revolutionary movement of unlikely revolutionaries. Elles sont le fait de certains gilets jaunes qui se sont radicalisés. - Causeur Le traitement invasif du mouvement des « gilets jaunes » n’est pas synonyme de complaisance. 05-04-2017 vues : 130 Source : Catégorie : Présidentielle 2017 - Causeur.frPoutou, coqueluche de la post-véritéCauseur.frCe que Christine Angot a raté lors de ?L'Emission politique? Xavier Corbeau is on Facebook. Придружите се Facebook-у ради повезивања са Sacha Milovic и другима које можда познајеш. [44] [45] [46] [47] Organizers started using imagery for their protest featuring a woman wearing Phrygian cap and crying blue, white and red tears. Mai 68 venait « d’en haut », les gilets jaunes plutôt « d’en bas ». Gilets jaunes do include people at the bottom of society, the unemployed, the marginalised, but more typically they are people who are above the bottom but think that they should be doing better. Le traitement médiatique du mouvement des « gilets jaunes » réserve une large place aux « débordements » et … The gilets jaunes are a French phenomenon and a French crisis. France withdrew its ambassador from Rome in protest. Der Protest der "Gilets Jaunes" geht in die 23. Source [Causeur] Sans surprise, les Parisiens ont brillé, samedi 17 novembre, par leur absence ou leur ignorance d’une manifestation d’un genre nouveau. Buildings around the Étoile were set briefly alight. The gilets jaunes movement is the longest-running protest in France since the second world war. Some gilets jaunes have decided to enter the mainstream political system to try to reform it or destroy it from the inside. It has, first of all, broken all the unspoken and spoken rules of French manifestations. I mean rural, non-farming France, small town France, outer suburban France. But their attraction is that they are also something tangible, a social club as well as a social protest. Sie war das Aushängeschild der Gilets jaunes und wollte ihnen einen Platz in der Politik sichern. In just weeks they have brought upheaval to France and forced President Macron to tear up key reforms. But many of the usual far-right hot topics – migration, Islam, abortion, gay marriage, Europe – are not the first things that you hear on the lips of gilets jaunes. But they go way beyond him and call for the sluicing out of the entire political class, left and right, even hard left and hard right, to be replaced by a bottom-up, direct democracy of permanent popular decisions by referendums. There was little violence, except a few scuffles with police in Paris and with motorists on blocked roundabouts. La révolte des gilets jaunes n’est pas seulement anti5scale Loin de pleurer le modèle social français, les gilets jaunes en ont assez de le financer! La révolte des gilets jaunes n’est pas une simple jacquerie anti5scale. Where does that come from? The government stood back and allowed the protests to happen, even though the gilets jaunes deliberately defied the law which demands advance permissions for large gatherings. 25-05-2017 vues : 130 Source : Catégorie : Présidentielle 2017 - Causeur.frJe me suis trompé sur Emmanuel MacronCauseur.frIl n'y a aucune honte à reconnaître qu'on s'est trompé. La chasse aux TERF aura-t-elle raison du féminisme? Thus we have a revolution which did not just start on the internet and Facebook but wants to use the internet to impose a new form of government and yet is at the same time anti-globalist and nostalgic for a simpler, more traditional kind of France. [18] Les gilets jaunes ne les concernent pas, la plupart n’en ont même pas. It has no leadership structure, no single, accepted programme of demands. Magazinrundschau 10.09.2019 von oben, was die Bewegung von Emmanuel Macron angeht, die elitärer ist, von unten, was die Gilets jaunes angeht, die einer populären Gilets Jaunes Frankreich: Medien erklären Gelbwesten für gescheitert – diese haben aber nur die Taktik verändert Im November feiert Frankreichs Gelbwesten-Bewegung ihren ersten Geburtstag. It’s true that protest goes to the street in France more rapidly than in almost any other democratic country. They could not have existed before Facebook existed. On 1 December, Act Three, I was out on streets of Paris from early morning. He is the embodiment of the rich, clever, self-replicating people from the governing classes who’ve been to the finishing schools of the governing elite and think they know everything. It can only be explained, I think, by the silos of facing mirrors of social media sites, which fill heads with exaggerated versions of real grievances blended with complete bullshit. nicolasdenimal. It was not the feared revolution. All of this may help Macron. But there is also something very un-French about the gilets jaunes movement. What explains the radicalisation of home carers and garage mechanics in small towns who don’t understand the basics of how their own country’s political and tax system works but want to tear them both down? I mean many people who have not voted for years, as well as many who have voted hard right or hard left. 78 Partagez Tweetez Partagez +1 Email PARTAGES" # $ % & Manifestation des gilets jaunes, novembre 2018. Riots happen but they are predictable riots. Actualités de Francis Lalanne, Florian Philippot - Gilets jaunes: adieu la représentation, bonjour la récupération! Mépris means contempt. Some see this as a camouflage for a movement whose heart beats on the far right. « Aucun gilet, il n’y a que des bobos ici ! That’s what makes it fascinating. An extraordinary diplomatic row exploded last week when the Italian deputy prime minister, Luigi Di Maio, leader of the populist Five Star Movement, arrived unannounced in the south Paris suburbs for a photo opportunity with one of these electoral lists. The numbers taking part have fallen to around 60,000. This is probably a silly idea. Share to iMessage. There have been scores of arson and other attacks on the offices of MPs who support Macron. On touche un trait majeur de l’idéologie dominante quand on se rend compte qu’une même thèse peut être appliquée à des domaines très différents, pour des raisons relevant purement et simplement d’impératifs moraux, lesquels dessinent, en creux, une vision du monde fortement biaisée. There is also a belief that lower and middle France is taxed unfairly in favour of the rich. If it asks explosive questions – should Macron resign? That fury has many sources but its depth and strength can only be explained by the compound or viral effect of social media. This confinement is not only geographical but also intellectual. For Macron’s party to top the European poll in France would be a “mid-term” triumph. Support in rural areas is slackening. It conveys a sense of having been pushed to the breaking point. 2 talking about this. Les gilets jaunes correspondent aux catégories sociales qui ne peuvent plus suivre dans un monde façonné par les intérêts, besoins et valeurs des plus aisés. That is unacceptable, whoever is initially responsible for the violence. There is no coherent ideology, even a refusal of ideology. The violence this time was mostly provoked by militia of the hard right and hard left. It was impressive but fell well below the numbers that have turned out for other social protests in the last 20 years. He has made €10bn of concessions to motorists and the low-paid. - Causeur He is already recovering strongly in the opinion polls as well-heeled, urban France turns to him to save them from yellow chaos. Les gilets jaunes ne les concernent pas, la plupart n’en ont même pas. Flames at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in November. Police responded robustly to being attacked by a militant fringe of protesters on the Champs-Élysées. President Emmanuel Macron speaks during a special address to the nation on 10 December. – it will seem like a betrayal of the promise of Macron’s “great debate”. Senior ministers are campaigning against it. People who had previously felt powerless felt abruptly powerful because they could hold up cars and lorries at a roundabout. Au contraire, on en a d’autant plus parlé qu’on a voulu appuyer sur ce qui faisait mal : violences, désorganisation, beaufitude crasse, revendications politiques extravagantes, etc. I believe that this resentment – a sense of being slighted or ignored or despised or abandoned or humiliated – explains the yellow-vest movement more than any particular grievance. It was Drouet, from Melun in the brie cheese country east of Paris, who thought of the idea of a nationwide protest against fuel taxes on 17 November. In May last year, a young businesswoman of French West Indian origin, Priscillia Ludosky, 31, placed a petition online complaining about the high cost of petrol and diesel in France. Gilets jaunes are convinced or have been convinced that the little or middling people like them are held in contempt by the trendy, rich, globally-oriented people of successful metropolitan France. The movement, supposedly peaceful, allowed its own violent fringe as well as opportunist, urban, state-hating militia of hard right and hard left to take over. Violence has switched from Paris for the most part to provincial cities, especially Toulouse, Bordeaux, Caen, Rouen and Rennes. A number of yellow vests – not just hard left and right militants but rural or provincial disaffected men and women in their 20s, 30s and 40s – attacked police from early morning. There were several serious injuries from police weapons. A blogger and YouTuber since the 2010s, he has participated in … Le traitement invasif du mouvement des « gilets jaunes » n’est pas synonyme de complaisance. What are the sources of grievance and how justified are they? They are people with low-paid jobs or pensioners or artisans or small business people or technicians or people at the lower level of the caring professions. Here is our second paradox. There is a default position in the country that social demands will not be taken seriously without street demos, and demos will not be taken seriously without a dose of violence. We unravel the story of the yellow-vest protests, First published on Sat 9 Feb 2019 10.00 EST. She described both Di Maio and Chalençon as “sharks”. sur France 2 il y a dix jours, Philippe Poutou l'a réussi hier soir sur BFM, RMC et CNews. La révolte des gilets jaunes n’est pas une simple jacquerie anti5scale. Seventeen eyes and four hands have been lost so far. There has been no systematic attempt to repress protest. In the event, 8 December was again a violent day – not just in Paris but in several cities. “France has been sold to the UN”; “Alsace has been given back to Germany”; “Politicians are living high on the hog – if we sweep them away, we can have lower taxes and higher welfare payments”; “Brigitte Macron, as first lady, earns €550,000 a year from the state”. Certes, la 78 Partagez Tweetez Partagez +1 Email PARTAGES" # $ % & Manifestation des gilets jaunes, novembre 2018. Three rival GJ lists, broadly left, right and centrist, are being prepared for the European elections in May. This figure has never been reached since. Should he push ahead with his state-shrinking reform programme? Фејсбук омогућава људима да деле и чини свет отворенијим и повезанијим. I happen to live near the Arc de Triomphe, and when I left my building at 9am I walked out into the middle of a street battle. In my experience, French people almost always have a sense of ras le bol about something or other. Gilets Jaunes Marseille SUD,, Soutiens aux Gilets Jaunes, Manifestation gilet jaune Toulouse, Gilets jaunes 04 Manosque, MPC 72, Planetes360, Gilet jaune Réunion There is no simple explanation for the gilets jaunes. What is scary is their fury. The gilets jaunes are an internet-spawned and driven movement. Not really. Sommes-nous en train de devenir fous…et méchants? Liity Facebookiin ja pidä yhteyttä käyttäjän Mohamed Boumous ja muiden tuttujesi kanssa. This mixture of supporters explains in part the heterogenous character and demands of the movement, which point both left and right, to higher welfare payments and pensions but also to lower taxes, to less state and more state. People who had been invisible became highly visible in their hi-vis vests. The gilets jaunes were brought to a white-heat pitch of anger by the halls of facing mirrors of “anger groups” online. Join Facebook to connect with Xavier Corbeau and others you may know. She is leading one of the GJ lists in the European elections. There is confusion in France about whether he should be seen as far right or far left. Certes, la It emerged that Di Maio had been invited by Christophe Chalençon, a gilets jaunes figure with far-right connections, not by the leader of the list, Ingrid Levavasseur. Riot police stand in position during clashes with demonstrators in Paris, on 1 December. Ce qui avait été commencé se continue sous d’autres formes. A starred restaurant whose boss criticised the gilets jaunes was burned. Sacha Milovic је на Фејсбуку. In early December my own unscientific poll of yellow vests placed on car dashboards in rural Normandy was 40%. It is an insurrection which happens mostly at the weekends. Even one yellow vest list in the European elections will take votes from Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National and Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s far-left La France Insoumise. Protests are usually choreographed within certain limits, with agreed venues and routes and marshals. La révolte des gilets jaunes n’est pas seulement anti5scale Loin de pleurer le modèle social français, les gilets jaunes en ont assez de le financer! « Récupération » Oui, les médias ont joué avec le feu. They are mostly peaceful, but acts and words of great violence are committed and spoken. Source [Causeur] Sans surprise, les Parisiens ont brillé, samedi 17 novembre, par leur absence ou leur ignorance d’une manifestation d’un genre nouveau. Il n’y a pas d’antinomie. Ici vous trouverez des infos que les médias ne diffuseront pas – the results could be catastrophic for him. 11-08-2020 vues : 130 Source : Catégorie : Credit - Pret Cautionne LIRE L'ARTICLE ORIGINAL SUR LIRE If the referendum asks marginal questions – ie should there be fewer French MPs? It has lasted for 13 weeks but has mobilised fully for only 13 days – all of them Saturdays. Cold Case: le mépris des ploucs, un racisme autorisé, Quand France 2 fait dire à Blanche Gardin l’inverse de ce qu’elle dit. The roundabout rebellion is almost over. But the white-hot anger of the GJ movement is something new and different. Lire la suite →, Je ne suis pas complotiste, je constate, c’est tout. He typifies the kind of person that GJs didn’t like even before they were GJs or before there was Macron. The words you hear most often are mépris and ras le bol. All this adds up to an existential conviction that peripheral France is not only being left behind but mocked and cheated by those who are forging ahead. Il se situe hors de celle-ci. They will not give up easily or soon. By the time he intervened, petrol prices were spiking because of a rise in world oil prices. Thus suspicion of the media, already high, is cranked to the point where journalists, newspapers and radio stations have become targets for GJ violence. Reaction – practically nothing. Lire la suite →, Ou comment grotesquiser un mouvement. But they also allowed people to escape from the isolation of their terminals or smartphones to come together and do things. Jetzt wirft Ingrid Levavasseur frustriert das Handtuch. Police were pelted with acid, paint, iron bolts, stones and bottles. Its significance was that it took place not just in cities but also in small towns and on almost every local roundabout. Mohamed Boumous on Facebookissa. Since then there have been nine further Acts or Saturday putsches, some more violent than others, some better supported than others. A retired official and former radio host, De Lesquen has been the president of the Carrefour de l'Horloge, a national liberal think tank, since 1985. Macron, shaken, visited the Élysée nuclear bunker to make sure there was a place that he could take refuge. Is this just the French being the French? Someone else had the brilliant PR idea of dressing everyone up in the yellow hi-vis vests that French motorists must by law carry in their cars. Police were more aggressive in their response. But it is true that energy, life and local sources of wealth have been sucked out of large swathes of France in recent decades – as they have in parts of Britain or the United States. Henry de Lesquen is a French politician. Like the Tour de France, it was a national event which came “down your way”. The first day of action on 17 November mobilised 283,000 people across France. Here it is difficult to prise apart French and un-French elements. Eric Drouet had the idea of calling national protests and the movement exploded into action. The anger of the gilets jaunes is understandable. It is important to remember this when gilets jaunes and Russian news sites allege that Macron has tried to “suppress” the movement. Er will beweisen, dass er trotz seiner Zugeständnisse an die Gilets jaunes immer noch fähig ist, Frankreich neu zu strukturieren." Parti de gauche Calvados, 60 AdaDa, Alain Guilhot, Jean-françois Dafflon, Françoise Baumal, Mamadou Amadou Ba, Jean-pierre Metivet, Francoise Neisen, Frédéric Le Rétif, Lucien Yanclo, Charly Chambord, Jean-Luc Van-Godtsenhoven, K-der Gadsmala, Jean Pierre Chruszez, Bernard Rodenstein, Elisabeth Des, Prolétariat Révolutionnaire, Guy Millet, Vincent de Lacroix, Pomarel Marc, Philippe Collet, Lionel Cgt … Lire la suite →, Loups, requins, djihadistes et gilets jaunes. La présence des femmes dans le mouvement des Gilets jaunes a été largement commentée par les médias. Les gilets jaunes: un danger et une chance. Both beliefs are factually untrue. The 17 November protests – Act One – were mostly peaceful. A mob surged down the Avenue Kléber, overturning and burning cars and smashing bank, shop and restaurant windows. He is now, many weeks later, probably the most influential figure in the gilets jaunes. The point of the gilet jaunesis to ensure that its wearer is visible on the road. Drouet’s original motivation may well have been his car obsession rather than his politics. C'est au contraire une preuve de noblesse morale et intellectuelle. Before the next Saturday – Act Four on 8 December – there were dark reports that there would be an insurrection, using live weapons and explosives. Working-class and lower middle-class people are visible again and, alongside them, the places where they live. There is talk of Emmanuel Macron calling a referendum on the same day as the EU poll on 26May to take further wind from the sails of the gilets jaunes. Town halls, prefectures and other public buildings have been vandalised. And whatever the outcome of this conflict, the gilets jaunes have won in terms of what really counts: the war of cultural representation. Ce mouvement en cours dont lissue est encore à imaginer sil devait être comparé à dautres conflits qui touchèrent le pays dans son ensemble, les grèves de 1936, celles de 1947-1948 et mai 1968, dans son aspect social, a pour première caractéristique quil na pas pour cadre lentreprise. The movement is now splitting. Woche – wieder kommt es zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Polizei und Demonstranten. She is an unlikely pioneer for a populist movement which is sometimes accused of being racist and far right (as parts of it undoubtedly are). A statue of Marianne, a symbol of France, inside the Arc de Triomphe was damaged by rioters on 1 December. Les Gilets Jaunes étaient devenus l’unique sujet d’actualité : édition spéciale à plein temps, des jours durant. In Toulouse, police banned gilets jaunes from La place du Capitole and demonstrators were excluded from the centre of Bordeaux. Now they have caused the worst rift between France and Italy since the second world war. CAPTION. If anything, the rich subsidise the public services of the poor and lower-middle. Yet another paradox. There have been attacks on motorways toll-booths, newspapers and radio stations. This article is adapted from a talk given to a conference of the Brussels European Employee Relations Group. Les Blogs de Causeur : Antidote • Asiledeblog • Bonnet d'âne • La voix de nos maîtres, C’est triste à dire mais… heureusement qu’Alain Finkielkraut a été agressé. And worrying. The movement was named “gilets jaunes” (yellow vests) because protesters wear the fluorescent yellow high-vis jackets that all motorists must by … The gilets jaunes refused from the beginning to be bound by any of these rules, although this is now changing. L’heure n’est plus à la stupéfaction ni à la stupeur, mais à la recherche d’une solution efficace pour rétablir d’urgence et fermement l’ordre public. Depuis que Jupiter a abandonné la parole rare, s’exprimant devant les Français avec une fréquence plus importante que ses deux prédécesseurs réunis, il est possible que les chroniqueurs ne soient pas les seuls à ressentir ce tournis. The Arc de Triomphe was tagged with graffiti. This aroused a long-simmering belief in “peripheral France” that the countryside and outer suburbs are somehow subsidising the insolent success of the cities. In the protesters’ own eyes, this is not a protest. Les médias et la « radicalisation » des gilets jaunes Publié le 20 novembre 2018 par Ingrid Riocreux Le traitement médiatique du mouvement des « gilets jaunes » réserve une large place aux « débordements » et « violences » accompagnant certains blocages. This was treated on GJ sites as deliberate police violence and repression, stoking tempers for the next weekend. On 24 November, Act Two of the movement, there was some violence in Paris. But the police’s so-called defensive weapons – rubber bullets and stun grenades – have become a serious problem that the government has been too slow to recognise. Through a series of Saturday putsches, the yellow vests hope not merely to bring down President Emmanuel Macron but to rip up the constitution of the Fifth Republic and replace representative democracy with popular government. Gilets jaunes are convinced or have been convinced that the little or middling people like them are held in contempt by the trendy, rich, globally-oriented people of successful metropolitan France. Poutou, coqueluche de la post-vérité - . The view in much of the foreign media is that these are anti-Macron protests. In October she was contacted by Eric Drouet, a 33-year-old lorry driver, who teamed up with her to promote her original petition. Les médias et la « radicalisation » des gilets jaunes. Gilets Jaunes Gilet Jaune GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. Les gilets jaunes ont expérimenté l’accaparement de leurs marches par les Black Blocks, les racailles de banlieue, les Dieudonnistes antisémites… A Hong Kong, des manifestants violents ont occupé et vandalisé le bâtiment du Conseil législatif le 1er juillet. Ce ne sont pas les conditions de travail qui sont directement en cause mais les conditions de vie.