Tournament Results. Mono Black Devotion built around Gray Merchant of Asphodel is one such deck that has the potential to make the jump. Core Set 2021 Standard: Round 2. Round 1: Jund Sacrifice VS Mono-Black Devotion. Top MTG decks Mono Black nos formatos Standard, Modern, Pioner dos melhores jogadores e torneios no mundo, com metagame, preços, deck builder, deck tech, favoritos. Além de copiar e exportar decks para MOL e Arena One place that people are starting with Pioneer is looking to port over and upgrade decks that dominated old Standard formats. ... Mono-White Aggro Kaldheim Standard Deck Guide: March 2021 Update. Deck Tech. Edit. March 6, 2021. Edit Live Edit. MrMortifex145. June 12, 2020 July 17, 2020. Pioneer – Mono Black Devotion Decklist. $214 --- Top32. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. More than 90 Standard Mono Black decks from top tabletop, ... (Mono Black is also known as Mono-Black Aggro, Mono-Black Devotion or Deck). The final day of the February 2021 Ranked Season is here! The old Mono-Black Devotion deck he featured in was one of the best decks of the original Theros Standard format, but was a bit more of midrange deck than a deck based around permanents. Rank: 1 ... Decklists . Standard . Facebook 0 Tweet 0. October 28, 2019 Pioneer 0. This week, we’re playing an old standard classic, mono black devotion, with a few updates of course, but still featuring everyone’s favourite draft bomb, Pack Rat! Ryan Peneff. Card Kingdom 38.38 - 43.22 . Historic Shakeup Event Guide and Decklists – March 2021 Week 1. Updated Oct 18, 2020 by Destroyerbirb using our MTG Deck Builder. Mono-Black Devotion. Mono Black Control - 2021 Pauper Aggro Control Devotion Discard Midrange Mono-Black. More than 12724 Standard Decks from the best pro players and tournaments around the world. Not much to say about it. It feels competitive, but I'll have to test it. Commander ad Populum, Ep 119: Grothama, All-Devouring Decktech. Upvote 0. Zone Network. Playtest v1. Mono Black Devotion $291.64 | Card and Price Breakdown. ... A complete list of the top Standard tier 1 decks updated to March 2021. Traditional Standard Ranked Decklists: March 8, 2021 08-Mar SINGULARITY: 4%. X21 BO2. Channel Nikachu: Mystic Reflection in Modern Merfolk! Jund Sacrifice Corey Baumeister 0th Place at Test deck on 06-12-2020 . Standard is the focus this week, as the top Magic players in the world compete against each other for... 0. Made it into a modern deck, a tribute to the old standard mono black devotion. Become a winner and beat the metagame! Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam return for more Core Set 2021 Standard action! March 13, 2021. Its current price is around 148$. By VS Live! Casual — Oct. 29, 2015