Dine busforbindelse mellem Bruxelles & Lille Wi-Fi, stikdåser og toiletter gratis i bussen Ombook din rejse op til 15 min. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour < 10 In 1958, Expo was held in Brussels which led to the erection of Atomium which still stands today as a reminder of this event.If you are a night owl or a party-goer then taking a bus to Brussels is definitely the right decision. '0' + connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour : However, these are one of the most famous and popular features of the city and represent a landmark of Brussels. If you are experiencing difficulties while accessing this website, please give us a call at.Sorry, your browser does not support JavaScript!We've transported 100+ million happy customers worldwide. One of the most well known clubs is the Fuse, one of the biggest nightclubs in Brussels, attracting some of the most famous DJs in the world.When you choose to travel by bus and visit Belgium, you do not need to rely on hiring a car as you can travel around the city very easily using the public transport. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes < When taking your bus to Brussels you should also go and see the Atomium, one of the most popular attractions of the city. '0' + Il appartenait avant à la SNCF sous le nom d' iDBUS et OUIBUS : connu pour être le "OUIGO" pour le bus. Many of the surrounding smaller areas are easily accessible by traveling with a bus or a train. §§ connection.duration.hour §§:§§ connection.duration.minutes < 10 ? Hvis du oplever problemer i forbindelse med brug af denne webside, bedes du ringe til os på.Sorry, your browser does not support JavaScript!Høje hygiejnestandarder sikrer en behagelig tur!Vores busser er udstyret med rummelige og komfortable sæder, et toilet, wi-fi og stikkontakter.Varighed: The metropolitan area is one of three regions that form Belgium. Is there a bus from Brussels to Lille? With a population of 178,000, this city really has a lot to offer! + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ this bus stop will move to,§§ connection.price > 0 ? connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour BlaBlaBus Lille Bruxelles BlaBlaBus est le bus low-cost de BlaBlaCar. 10 ? '0' + §§ connection.duration.hour §§:§§ connection.duration.minutes < 10 ? This ball shaped structure represents a molecule that has been magnified 165 billion times and was opened for the World Fair in 1958. Wi-fi et prises électriques à bord 2 bagages gratuits Le plus grand réseau de bus d'Europe Téléchargez l'application gratuite ! Trouvez des billets BlaBlaBus Lille Bruxelles pas chers avec ComparaBUS. If you’re in Paris, Brussels, or London and are looking for a quick French getaway, Lille is only a short bus ride away. Achetez vos billets de bus pas cher! Hailing both French and Belgian influences, Lille is … '0' + Because of the size of this region, and the cultural aspects that come with it being bilingual, there are many of activities and things to do. §§.Standarde înalte de igienă și proceduri adaptate.§§ getWeekdayString(connection.weekdays) §§,§§ connection.interconnection_transfers.length §§,§§ formatTimeFilter(connection.departure.timestamp, connection.departure.tz) §§,§§ formatDuration(connection.duration.hour, connection.duration.minutes) §§,§§ formatTimeFilter(connection.arrival.timestamp, connection.arrival.tz) §§,§§ stop.departure.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm' : stop.departure.tz §§,§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm': stop.arrival.tz §§,§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm' : stop.departure.tz §§,§§ stop.departure.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm': stop.departure.tz §§,Ține cont că sunt 4 stații de autocar în Bruxelles,Din §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes < ? §§:§§ Envie de voyager entre Lille et Bruxelles Aéroport pour 1,99€? §§,Vores dynamiske prissystem gør det muligt at spare stort ved at booke tidligt – helt op til 70%,§§ getWeekdayString(connection.weekdays) §§,§§ connection.interconnection_transfers.length §§,§§ formatTimeFilter(connection.departure.timestamp, connection.departure.tz) §§,§§ formatDuration(connection.duration.hour, connection.duration.minutes) §§,§§ formatTimeFilter(connection.arrival.timestamp, connection.arrival.tz) §§,§§ stop.departure.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm' : stop.departure.tz §§,§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm': stop.arrival.tz §§,§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm' : stop.departure.tz §§,§§ stop.departure.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm': stop.departure.tz §§.Bemærk venligst, at der i Bruxelles er 4 stationer.Fra d. §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ această stație de autocar se va muta la,Ține cont că sunt 2 stații de autocar în Lille,§§ connection.price > 0 ? ? connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour : Brussels was first acknowledged as a city in 1229 and became one of the youngest capital cities in Europe. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour §§ connection.duration.hour §§:§§ connection.duration.minutes < 10 ? Simply select your desired departure dates and find the trip that suits you the best. Wi-fi et prises électriques à bord 2 bagages gratuits Le plus grand réseau de bus d'Europe Téléchargez l'application gratuite ! Cheap trip from Brussels to Lille from only € 1,99 Secure online payment Free Wi-Fi and plug sockets on board 2 pieces of luggage Biggest European network with 2,500 destinations ! Yes, we offer multiple trips between Brussels and Lille. It was in 1531 when Brussels was finally officially announced as the capital of Burgundy. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour : formatPrice(connection.price) : 'Rezervă acum' §§,Stații și mersul autocarelor în Bruxelles,Termeni și condiții generale contractuale şi condiţii de rezervare,Termeni și condiții generale de transport - Selectare. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour '0' + ? 10 ? connection.duration.minutes : connection.duration.minutes §§,Omstigningstid: §§ før afgang Hvis du oplever problemer i forbindelse med brug af denne webside, bedes du ringe til os på +45 32 72 93 86 eller se nærmere oplysninger i FlixBus … connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes US customers give us an amazing 4.5 stars.We integrate the latest technology and high safety regulations in order to offer secure and efficient coaches.Brussels is one of the most influential cities in Europe, being home to many different institutions such as NATO, the EU and EUROCONTROL. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes Belgium has over 500 different types of beer. In the following centuries Brussels was under the power of many different states. Envie de voyager entre Bruxelles et Lille pour 1,99€? formatPrice(connection.price) : 'Reservér nu' §§,Generelle forretnings- og reservationsbetingelser,Generelle befordringsbetingelser - Udvalg. §§.Onboard services are subject to availability.To make traveling safe and comfortable, we ensure high hygiene standards.§§ getWeekdayString(connection.weekdays) §§,§§ connection.interconnection_transfers.length §§,§§ formatTimeFilter(connection.departure.timestamp, connection.departure.tz) §§,§§ formatDuration(connection.duration.hour, connection.duration.minutes) §§,§§ formatTimeFilter(connection.arrival.timestamp, connection.arrival.tz) §§,§§ stop.departure.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm' : stop.departure.tz §§,§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm': stop.arrival.tz §§,§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm' : stop.departure.tz §§,§§ stop.departure.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm': stop.departure.tz §§,Please note that there are 4 bus stops in Brussels,As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes : Wi-fi et prises électriques à bord 2 bagages gratuits Le plus grand réseau de bus d'Europe Téléchargez l'application gratuite ! '0' + Not only this but there is a wide variety of fashionable jewelry stores and a popular bar scene all to be enjoyed when your bus arrives in Brussels!Now if you've never heard of or seen the “Manneken Pis“ before, you may be slightly surprised when you first encounter them. connection.duration.minutes : connection.duration.minutes §§,Timp de transfer: §§ '0' + This ball shaped structure represents a molecule that has been magnified 165 billion times and was opened for the World Fair in 1958.According to legend, Brussels was first built in the 6th Century, however the first mention of Brussels was as early as the year 977. Additionally, the city also has many different clubs with music to fit every taste. Envie de voyager entre Bruxelles et Lille pour 2,99€? Călătorește ieftin cu FlixBus între Bruxelles și Lille Prize si Wi-Fi gratuit Curse de autocar conectând toată Europa Prize si Wi-Fi gratuit Plată online securizată Dacă ai dificultăți la accesarea acestui site web, sună +40.376.300.111 sau consultă aplicația Asistent Google FlixBus . Achetez vos billets de bus pas cher! connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes : connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes < Taking a bus to Brussels is worthwhile for its culinary efforts alone, in particular the pralines from the famous Maîtres Chocolatiers in Brussels or the Belgian French fries. '0' + connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes : §§:§§ A special feature of this region is that it is a bilingual area, where both Belgian and Dutch are spoken. 10 ? '0' + It is a very popular are for our young bus travelers and students alike.Duration: When taking your bus to Brussels you should also go and see the Atomium, one of the most popular attractions of the city. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour < 10 Something special for our bus travelers to note about Belgium is the payment system – many machines do not accept notes, only cards and coins. connection.duration.minutes : connection.duration.minutes §§,Transfer Time: §§ formatPrice(connection.price) : 'Book now' §§,General Conditions for Business and Booking,Number of cities reachable directly from Brussels. Dacă ai dificultăți la accesarea acestui site web, sună.Sorry, your browser does not support JavaScript!Verifică actualizările despre rețeaua noastră.​.Alege din peste 2500 de destinații din 34 de țări și descoperă Europa cu FlixBus.Autocarele noastre sunt echipate cu scaune mari și confortabile, toaletă, Wi-Fi și prize.Durata: Brussels is home to many small breweries and pubs, meaning that experiencing and sampling the Belgian beer culture should not be a problem. Achetez vos billets de bus pas cher! §§:§§ connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour < 10 The city also has a wide variety of museums which are free for students, so be sure to carry your student card with you before boarding your bus!In Brussels and its surrounding region there are around 1.2 million inhabitants. + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ bliver dette busstop flyttet til.Bemærk venligst, at der i Lille er 2 stationer.§§ connection.price > 0 ? connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes