Russia will be hit by a giant meteorite. Historiquement, Baba Vanga et Nostradamus sont les prophètes les plus reconnus au monde. Přestože je bulharská vědma Baba Vanga (†85) už 23 let po smrti, ještě před ní stihla vyslovit několik proroctví, která se plní. Baba Vanga 2020 predictions – Blind mystic who foresaw 9/11 speculates Trump’s life in danger and chemical war in Europe Lottie Tiplady-Bishop Dec 23 2019, 13:09 ET Baba Vanga est née en 1931, elle perd la vue à l’âge de 12 ans quand une tempête de sable lui brûle les yeux. BABA VANGA, the so-called Balkan Nostradamus, predicted the outbreak of coronavirus and Covid-19 in 1996, it has been bizarrely claimed. A tsunami will sweep Pakistan, India, parts of China, Japan and Indonesia. Les prophéties les plus terrifiantes de Nostradamus et Baba Vanga pour l’année 2020. Noticias Estas son las predicciones de Baba Vanga para 2020 El año que está por comenzar no presenta un panorama muy alentador 2020 yılı için ileri sürülen kehanetlerden bir tanesi de ABD Başkanı Donald Trump ile ilgili. et soutiennent que les associations entre les événements mondiaux et ses prédictions sont le résultat d’interprétations ou de traductions erronées. Eurooppalaisten kimppuun käydään kemiallisilla aseilla. There will be an economic collapse in Europe. Baba Vanga bila je jedna od najznačajnijih proročica u novijoj svjetskoj historiji. I dan danas se citiraju Baba Vangina proročanstva. Voici quelques-unes des prophéties de Baba Vanga pour 2020 ainsi que les visions d’une médium de premier plan pour 2020.Les adept BLIND mystic Baba Vanga is said to have predicted Donald Trump’s coronavirus battle after saying that the US President would get sick in 2020. Baba Vanga : Ses prédictions pour 2020. I do not want to speak with you. Baba, also known as "the Nostradamus of the Balkans," apparently foretold that the US president would suffer from "a mysterious illness" which will leave him deaf and with a brain tumour. Baba Vanga, qui est-elle ? The start of WWIII in 2020. For those that believe in people with the ability to foresee the future, the most popular names are Nostradamus and Baba Vanga. « Le monde souffrira de nombreux cataclysmes et de grandes catastrophes », a déclaré Vanga. The most terrifying prediction attributed to the blind medium is the fiery demise of the world. Baba Vanga a prédit qu’une »grande guerre musulmane » prendrait racine en Syrie et que son apogée serait la conquête de Rome en 2043 par l’Etat islamique, date à laquelle les djihadistes instaureraient un Califat Européen. Read More Related Articles. Vanga-uskovaisten mukaan tämä on selvä viittaus Isisin nousuun. But the good news is Baba Vanga supposedly predicted the armageddon will not unfold for another 3,000 years – in the year 5079. Not now. If her predictions are fulfilled, Pakistan, China, Japan, and Alaska could be victims of a great wave . Nostradamus aussi avait de véritables capacités prophétiques surnaturelles. BABA VANGA est connue par beaucoup comme la « Nostradamus des Balkans » grâce à sa supposée capacité à prédire l’avenir. Selon Baba Vanga et Nostradamus : Guerre, catastrophes naturelles et rébellions, parmi les formidables prévisions pour cette année 2020. Baba Vanga a prezis multe din ceea ce va fi în 2020 în lume. List of Baba Vanga predictions : Assassination / murder attempts on four heads of states that becomes one of the causes for the start of WWIII. Baba, also known as “the Nostradamus of th… Neputându-şi permite îngrijirile necesare, femeia a rămas oarbă pentru tot restul vieţii şi a început să aibă primele viziuni aproape imediat după orbire. After a long time, Vanga finally spoke: "Nothing. Hatta Baba Vanga'nın kehanetlerine göre Donald Trump'ın olası rahatsızlığı, duyma kaybına kadar ulaşacak. Right before her death at the age of 85 she made a series of predictions for the year 2020, reports the Mirror. Baba Vanga also predicted some important events for the year 2020. « La … Here are some of Baba Vanga's predictions that … Avant de rendre l’âme en 1996, la visionnaire a offert ses prédictions pour 2020. Hieman ennen kuolemaansa tuottelias ennustaja kertoi, että vuonna 2020 Pakistaniin, Kiinaan, Japaniin ja Alaskaan iskee suuri vedenpaisumus. Mais, une femme avait déjà prédit le virus dans les années 1990, il s’agit de la voyante aveugle Baba Vanga. Due to the crisis caused by the virus pandemic in 2020, this civil war seems to break out soon. Baba Vanga'ya göre Donald Trump, 2020 yılında çok ciddi sağlık sorunlarıyla boğuşacak. Did Baba Vanga predict the end of the world in 2020? 400 people will also die in an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 that will ravage Asia this year, as will the tsunami that predicted in 2004. Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2021 1) Catastrophes: Earthquakes and tsunamis The famous psychic predicted the 2004 tsunami and revealed that a huge wave … For 2020 Baba Vanga also left his predictions: Several earthquakes will occur in different countries. Vanga only sat and stared out a window with her back to Silvana, never speaking to her. BLIND mystic Baba Vanga is said to have predicted Donald Trump's coronavirus battle after saying that the US President would get sick in 2020. Muslimien armeija valtaa Euroopan, ennustaa Baba Vanga. C’est à ce moment précis que son don se manifeste. Baba Vanga, pe numele său adevărat, Vanghelia Pandeva Dimitrova, s-a născut la Strumica (în Macedonia), în 1911, într-o familie foarte săracă, iar la 12 ani a rămas oarbă. Over time, Vanga predicted significant events, spanning until 5079, the year when the world would come to an end, according to her claims. Baba Vanga, also known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans aparently made some very interesting predictions for the year 2020. 400 personnes perdront la vie en Asie lors d'un temblement de terre de magnitude 7.5 cette année. Voyons dès à présent ce que Baba Vanga a également prédit comme événements majeurs pour cette année 2020. Baba Vanga est décédée en 1996, à l’âge de 85 ans. In early August 1976, Yugoslav actress and singer Silvana Armenulić was on tour in Bulgaria and decided to meet with Baba Vanga. El Diario NY. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons. Baba Vanga predicted that the USA would enter a crisis during the transition period between the two presidential offices, which will culminate with a civil war. You do not have to pay. Allegedly, Baba Vanga had accurately predicted the September 11 attacks in New York, the tsunami in Japan from 2004, and the ascension of Islam. Co svět podle slepé jasnovidky čeká v roce 2020? BABA VANGA is hailed by many as the most powerful medium and seer to have walked the Earth since Nostradamus. Elle avait prédit que l’année 2021 serait une année de cataclysmes et d’événements violents à grande échelle dans le monde naturel. The war will begin around November of 2020 and will end around October of 2021. Selon les prophéties de Baba Vanga, la Chine subira un gros tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,5 qui fera de nombreux dégâts irréversibles.